Michael Brown’s hatred of LGBT people continued in his Sept. 29 WorldNetDaily column, in which he cheered the hate of his fellow right-wingers:
A June 2023 article states that, “Although the LGBT community can count on a lot of public and political sympathy, support for this minority group seems to be declining.”
Based on polling data from 30 mostly Western countries, the article noted, “People are generally more positive about gay couples raising children, but similar patterns can be discerned there too. … Over the past two years, support for this practice received significantly less support in countries such as the United States, the Netherlands and Sweden.”
On Dec. 29, 2022, NBC News ran this ominous headline: “2021 was supposed to be the ‘worst year’ for LGBTQ rights – then came 2022. Even with the enactment of a historic same-sex marriage bill, advocates describe a harrowing year for LGBTQ Americans.”
[…]I am simply pointing out that there is a serious pushback against LGBTQ+ activism (or, “rights,” depending on one’s perspective), with much of it a reaction to radical trans activism.
Just think of the Budweiser and Target boycotts. Even non-Christian voices like Joe Rogan were saying, “This is a bridge too far.”
It’s the same with the celebration of drag and drag queens. Many Americans who said yes to “love is love” and who affirmed same-sex couples said, “We didn’t sign up for this.”
Brown did not explain why LGBT people do not deserve rights.
Brown advocated for banning the word “transgender” to describe transgender people in his Oct. 4 column:
There are people born with biological or chromosomal abnormalities who do not fit perfectly into the male-female categories. They are called intersex (more precisely, those affected by disorders of sexual development, representing .018% of the population). They deserve our sensitivity and compassion, but they are the exceptions who prove the rule of the gender binary. There are also people who, to the core of their being, feel that they are trapped in the wrong body, often experiencing internal conflict and pain for many years. They too deserve our sensitivity and compassion. But to call them “transgender” is to do them a disservice.
Simply stated, since transgender identity, in sharp distinction from the condition of intersex, is a psychological condition, that identity is a perception rather than a reality. Consequently, to refer to transgender identity as if it were a biological reality is to do a disservice to the sufferer, not to mention damage society as a whole and deny biological realities and gender distinctions. (Obviously, in saying this, I do not believe that, from birth, trans-identifying people have different brains than others. If that were true, then their condition would be biologically grounded after all.)
To those of you who agree with what I have stated, this is nothing new. I am simply preaching to the choir. Yet there is a reason for this preaching. (I’ll return to that shortly.)
Brown went on to insist that conservatives deny that transgender people are transgender:
To be clear, on a personal level, I have no point of reference for the experiences of people like Benaron or Shuping, or, for that matter, people like “Caitlyn” Jenner. I cannot begin to imagine what conflicts or pain or confusion they have lived with, nor do I pretend to understand.
But that doesn’t mean for a moment that we should affirm their perceived identities.
To the contrary, the moment we affirm the outward symptoms rather than continue to look for inward cures, we do what is convenient rather than what is best.
[…]Again, I understand that perception may feel like reality. But that does not make it reality, and it is high time that we take a stand for reality.
This means that, at the least, conservative news sites should stop using preferred gender pronouns, regardless of what professional guidelines call for. It’s time to buck the system. (It would be great if all news sites stopped using such terminology, but obviously, those who affirm transgender identity would have no reason to do so.)
It also means that those of us who share my convictions should no longer refer to someone as, say, “a transgender male” but rather as a woman who identifies as a man. If we do use the “trans” word at all, it should be in the phrase “trans-identifying.” That’s because transgender, as a distinct biological reality, simply does not exist. The sooner we accept this reality, the better.
As he is wont to do, Brown dishonestly framed his hate as love:
I personally believe that, in the not too distant future, society as a whole will recognize this to be true. Why not, then, do the right thing today rather than simply swim with the tide when things shift in the years ahead? That’s what compromisers do. People of courage and conviction do the right thing today, regardless of cost or consequences.
And we can do this while working to help those struggling with these deep internal conflicts and while showing them love on an individual level, even if they are put off by our style of communication.
Love does what’s right, even when it’s unpopular.
That’s because love is driven by reality rather than perception. Love is driven by truth.
Brown didn’t explain how such hateful denial of someone else’s identity can possibly be portrayed as “love.”