Joseph Farah’s WorldNetDaily columns become more sporadic due to his health issues, there’s still one thing he can’t stop harping on: how Google and WND had a falling out, which of course he blames on a conspiracy against WND. He went there yet again in his Nov. 14 column: is now in its third year operating in defiance of Google’s harsh, new, draconian rules imposed upon one of the oldest surviving independent journalism websites in history – older that Google itself.
One day, the tech company just announced that we would have to endure something no other news site had been forced to endure – living without the use of Google’s near-monopoly advertising system, virtually ending WND’s ad revenue. In other words, they tried to force us out of business. But we didn’t go that easily. Largely, we had trained ourselves over years to prepare for such things by relying on America’s generosity to sustain us.
[…]But, as I’ve told you, beginning in January 2016, with the candidacy of Donald Trump, Big Tech declared total war on us and the rest of the independent media it would blame for Trump’s victory. I warned that they would never let it happen again. And they haven’t forgiven us – or America, with which they are at war.
Actually, it’s not “draconian” at all — as we’ve documented, Google has simply chosen to stop doing business with a website known for fake news and conspiracy theories by no longer allowing its ads to appear there. In other words, Google and WND had a business agreement, and WND repeatedly violated the terms of that agreement, and Google made a business decision to terminate it — which, as a private company, it had every right to do.
But rather than admit to the facts, Farah whined once again, using content copy-and-pasted from previous rants, that Google cut off WND because it “dares to report honestly and forthrightly on the fantastically deranged transgender agenda” and “document[ed] the obvious and provable fact that the 2020 election was one of the most corrupt, manipulated and RIGGED elections in American history” (spoiler: it wasn’t).
Needless to say, this is all leading up to a money beg:
Google dropped a huge nuclear bomb on WND by permanently demonetizing us. When they did, the world’s second-wealthiest company finally revealed what they considered the three “big lies” that this news site had been promoting, for which reason they throttled our traffic, advertising revenue and search accessibility.
There’s no end in sight to this relentless attack on free speech and free press that is so damaging to WND. There are only two forces on Earth powerful enough to take on this hateful, un-American, left-wing, anti-God monopoly – this new Tower of Babel. Those two forces are God, and you, the American people.
I pray every day for relief. God has provided us with daily bread as He has promised.
If WND means something special to you, we continue to need your prayers and your financial blessings. While some of our friends in the independent media have billionaire patrons, you should know that we do not, and never have. We’ve always operated the old-fashioned way, earning our own way. We spend only what we take in through revenues and donations.
We do it because we love it. We always have. But we also love you for remembering us. Truly.
So rather than do the journalistic responsible and business-saving thing and stop spreading lies, discredited conspiracy theories and vicious hatred of anyone who’s not heterosexual, WND has chosen to do, well, not that… bccause they “love it.” Do Farah and crew truly love their dishonesty so much that they will destroy WND as a business because of it? Apparently so.