Scott Lively started out his Nov. 20 WorldNetDaily column with a little racist ranting:
In my last column, “Why the Palestinians refuse to civilize,” I put the Israel/Hamas conflict in its proper perspective as the inevitable fruit of cultural Marxism’s division of all humanity into oppressors and the oppressed, with the Palestinians achieving the collective status of “most oppressed” after decades of painful and careful cultivation of that image and, thus far, winning the all-important propaganda war among the brainwashed American policy-setters with its grand prize of the right to punish and plunder their “oppressors” without limit. Today I am coining the term “Oppression Theology” to define this phenomenon more precisely as as form of Secular Humanist religious dogma and show how it functions domestically.
Sunday here in Memphis my day started with breaking news – delivered right to my cellphone in the form of a “bolo” emergency alert – that an armed and very dangerous mass murderer was on a rampage, with three killing sites already behind him. We later learned that it was a family affair, and the multiple victims were the man’s relatives by blood and marriage. He was an African-American man, as are (vastly disproportional to their numbers as a minority) a high plurality if not strictly the majority of excessively violent criminals in Memphis and frankly all the deep blue cities. It’s strictly verboten to point this out, but we all know it’s true.
Lively offered no evidence of how we all supposedly “know it’s true.” He continued ranting anyway:
The problem with inner-city African-Americans isn’t the “African” part as so many racist-types insist, but the “American” part, because America’s Africans have been stewed and steeped in the “victim/plunder” marinade of Cultural Marxist “Oppression Theology” more than any other faction of our “multicultural” society. (After multiple African missions, I know the African-Africans are not naturally like that.) The poisonous “critical race theory” being forced upon America’s schoolchildren emphasizes a “white privilege” narrative painting all whites as inherently oppressive regardless of their overt actions and paints all blacks as inherently oppressed regardless of their personal successes.
This has, of course, created a de facto victim-based “black privilege” in our society – including both 1) the right to plunder the assets of the oppressors in the form of presumed eventual high-dollar reparations (with increasingly widespread shoplifting and looting considered by many just a deserved advance against future payments), and 2) the right to disregard any aspects of the law and customs of the oppressor’s society with impunity (including most obviously here in Memphis the traffic laws). These problems are compounded wherever the Soros machine has installed its agents in the criminal justice system: “Justice” is simply redefined to serve the social goals of “Oppression Theology,” which means no prosecution, no punishment and, sadly, no protection for black neighborhoods from home-grown thuggery.
Sounds like a guy who misses the days when white people had all the privilege. He then tried to work gay people into his conspiracy theory:
The next most victimization-empowered class of Americans are the “gays” whose spokesman “Michael Swift” explained the victim-plunder mentality most eloquently in his classic essay “The Gay Revolutionary” (which Congressman Bill Dannemeyer read into the Congressional Record back in 1987.)
“This essay is an outré, madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor. We shall sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms, in your sports arenas, in your seminaries, in your youth groups, in your movie theater bathrooms, in your army bunkhouses. … Your sons shall become our minions and do our bidding. … The family unit – spawning ground of lies, betrayals, mediocrity, hypocrisy and violence – will be abolished. … All churches who condemn us will be closed.”
There are an additional 15 paragraphs here, if you have the stomach for it, ending with this: “We shall be victorious because we are fueled with the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed who have been forced to play seemingly bit parts in your dumb, heterosexual shows throughout the ages. We too are capable of firing guns and manning the barricades of the ultimate revolution. Tremble, hetero swine, when we appear before you without our masks.” This essay was called “satire” at the time, but history proves it was deadly serious – even a blueprint for “gay” victim/plunderers. [Emphasis added]
In fact, the essay was satire then and now, as the “Michael Swift” byline should denote (an allusion to Jonathan Swift of “A Modest Proposal” fame). The essay was a reaction to homophobes like Lively, who nevertheless unironically treat the satire with utmost seriousness — though he doesn’t explain why oppressed poeple, as gay people were in the 1980s, have no right to be bitter and should just take their oppression in stride.
Lively concluded by trying to tie this all together with Marxism, somehow:
Black Lives Matter is a joint venture of elite-controlled blacks and “gays,” run by a pair of black openly Marxist lesbians. As I’ve always said, “The lives of black people matter very much but ‘Black Lives Matter’ is an evil Marxist cult whose far-left agenda destroys black families and their neighborhoods.”
Importantly, all these victim/plunder armies are tools controlled by a globalist social-engineering elite with a heavy emphasis on breaking stalwartly self-reliant Judeo-Christian America as the necessary prerequisite to global Marxist government. I was onto BLM as an agent provocateur in this plan all the way back in 2014 as I explained in my article “Bad Moon on the Rise: Bill Cosby, Ferguson and Obama.” I bolstered my case in “The Cosby Conspiracy” in 2021 with additional evidence.
Look around, America. What is the common denominator on display among all these forces breaking America down? It is, as Swift admitted, “the ferocious bitterness of the oppressed” – the fruit of Cultural Marxist religious fanaticism. We must accept this is spiritual warfare and act accordingly.
Both of those columns float the conspiracy that Cosby’s history of sexual assault was exposed –or in Lively’s words, “was being deliberately taken down by Obama” — because he spoke out against violence after the police-caused death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.