Raymond Ibrahim — who has previously fretted that Muslims are outbreeding Christians and insisted that Dracula was a great guy because he hated Muslims — huffed in his Jan. 18 WorldNetDaily column:
For years now, a number of mostly Eastern European nations have been arguing that, if they are going to accept any refugees from the Muslim world, they prefer Christians. Hungary, for example, has apparently been doing just that.
To this, the official Western response has been to cry “racism!” Barack Obama, for instance, once called such a suggestion “shameful,” loftily adding: “That’s not American. That’s not who we are. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion.” Meanwhile, it was later revealed that his administration was doing precisely that – but in reverse: discriminating against persecuted Christian asylum seekers, while favoring Muslims.
To prove that claim, Ibrahim linked to a 2016 column of his complaining that the U.S. was letting in too many Muslim refugees — and not enough Christians — from Syria. But as we pointed out when CNSNews.com tried to make this same argument at the time, that argument leaves out a few pertinent facts. Among them: While Sunni Muslims make up the majority of Syrians — and, hence, the majority of refugees — the government of Bashar al-Assad is Alawite, so it makes sense to admit Sunni refugees. Further, Christian refugees from Syria tended to use means other than the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees refugee camps — which the U.S. used to handle Syrian refugees — to leave Syria due to safety issues.
Ibrahim then went on to argue that “there are, in fact, several objective reasons why the West should give priority, if not exclusivity, to Christian refugees from the Muslim world – and some of these are actually to the benefit of Western nations.” His first “objective reason” (laughable coming from Ibrahim since his Islamophobia is anything but objective) was that “Christians are real victims of persecution” while “Muslim refugees are not fleeing direct persecution, but chaos created by the violent and intolerant teachings of their own religion, Islam – hence why violence and intolerance follow Muslims into Europe.”
Another alleged reason is that “Mideast Christians bring trustworthy language and cultural skills that are beneficial to the West,” adding: “They understand the Middle Eastern – including Islamic – mindset and can help the West understand it. Moreover, unlike Muslims, Christians have no ‘conflicting loyalty’ issues: Islamic law forbids Muslims from aiding ‘infidels’ against fellow Muslims.” Ibrahim then complained that other people don’t hate Muslims as much as he does:
All the above reasons – from those that offer humanitarian relief to the true victims of persecution, to those that offer benefits to the West – are unassailable in their logic and wisdom. Yet, because Western progressives prioritize politically correct ideals and fantasies over stark reality, there is little chance that they will be considered.
Quite the reverse: All throughout the West, masses of Muslims have been and continue to be granted easy asylum, while the few Christian applicants are scrutinized and often rejected.
The reason for this is simple: For the progressive (now “woke”) mindset – which dominates Western governments, media, and academia – taking in refugees has little to do with altruism and everything to do egoism: It matters little who is really being persecuted – as seen, the West is directly responsible for greatly exacerbating the sufferings of Christians around the world.
As if Ibrahim isn’t engaging in egoism by championing Christians over Muslims and that doing so isn’t its own kind of “woke.”