Jane Orient has been one of the ConWeb’s leading COVID misinformers, pushing dubious so-called cures for COVID and fearmongering about vaccines, but she’s had problems moving on from that. So she went back to the COVID conspiracy well in her Feb. 7 WorldNetDaily column, which started by fearmongering about genetic engineering and suggesting it’s not different than “biological warfare” and hyping “an American scientist who allegedly created and patented the SARS-CoV-2 virus years before the pandemic.” In fact, the patent in question was filed in 2020 as a way to detect COVID, and it merely refers to a 2015 provisional application — not an actual patent application — for a “System and Method for Using, Processing, and Displaying Biometric Data,” which doesn’t reference COVID at all. She then accused those who believe that COVID occurred naturally of having been bought off:
There are three possible origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus: 1) Nature; 2) Accidental release from a lab; and 3) Deliberate release. Throughout history bad pathogens have come from Nature, perfectly adapted to a human host. But there is an “infinitesimal” probability that the sequences in SARS-CoV-2 came from Nature. Very odd – when this argument is used for Intelligent Design it is called unscientific. Yet, according to a survey of experts by the Global Catastrophic Risk Institute and others, the majority believe in a natural origin. These opinions are hardly unbiased since most experts who are still employed or funded agree with the official narrative.
The virus could well have come from a lab – but which variant and which lab? There are hundreds or thousands of variants out there, and hundreds of scientists have been working on bioengineering technology. There are thousands of possibly relevant patents, including “disclosure” patents, which basically prevent someone else from obtaining a patent. Before accepting the assertion that patent #xxxx is the smoking gun, read it to be sure it isn’t about gastroenteritis in pigs. Also, go to the primary source before citing articles in the literature.
Then, of course, she pushed the idea that the virus was intentionally leaked:
The origin of COVID-19 is clearly important, as we want to prevent it from happening again. But sophisticated military intelligence would probably be required to discover exactly what happened – and what if military intelligence is complicit? What is the likelihood that the creator of a biological warfare weapon would register a patent for it?
If a heinous crime has been committed, the public is relieved to hear that the perp is in custody. But what if the suspect is innocent, and all the effort is focused on obtaining circumstantial evidence to convict him, while the real culprit is free, planning another crime?
What if the attack on one suspect is either a deliberate or an unintentional diversion from real, plainly identified and unquestionably responsible miscreants – the ones who suppressed early treatment, created exaggerated or fabricated case counts, destroyed livelihoods, enforced rigid and harmful hospital and lockdown protocols, coerced people to accept a vaccine, bribed doctors to get their patients injected, hid vaccine adverse reaction reports, or censored the truth?
Isn’t Orient the one who’s censoring the truth by continuing to cling to conspiracy theories instead of reporting what credible medical professionals say because it’s good and profitable clickbait that her far-right audience demands?