WorldNetDaily somehow found an even more discredited website than Gateway Pundit from which to steal content, as Bob Unruh demonstrated in a Feb. 29 article:
A government hate campaign against Christianity that WND first documented some 16 years ago when Canada’s discriminatory speech limits first started affecting Christian ministries there, is reaching its end game now.
It’s a plan to “criminalize Christianity, with Bible reading and prayer considered ‘hate speech’ – a ‘crime’ punishable with prison time,” according to a new report from NewsAddicts.
The report explains, in blunt terms, “Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s World Economic Forum-controlled government is planning to outlaw Christianity with the introduction of an amendment to the Criminal Code that could see believers face jail time for expressing historic Christian teachings.”
The problems are found in Canada’s Bill C-367 that “will make it illegal to reiterate parts of the Bible, stripping away the ‘good faith’ defense for what is deemed by the state as ‘hate speech’ or ‘antisemitism.'”
Explained the report, “Traditional Christian practices such as celebrating Christmas or attending church service will be considered crimes that carry severe penalties.”
[…]And, the report said, Gab CEO Andrew Torba warned, “Christians who maintain traditional orthodox perspectives about Jews – views that have been part of our faith for 2,000 years, are the primary obstacle to the Ruling Regime.”
The bill, while still pending in parliament, is expected ultimately to pass.
Unruh is lying — though perhaps unknowingly, since all he’s doing is rewriting someone’s article and refusing fact-check its claims. As an actual news organization found:
Richard Moon, a law professor at the University of Windsor (archived here), said the proposed amendments would have minimal effect on religious expression since they would only apply to hate speech.
“It’s not going to shut down general Christian speech,” he said March 8.
Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees freedom of religion and freedom of speech within “reasonable limits” that can be “demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society” (archived here).
[…]Some of the posts circulating online allude to Christians facing possible legal consequences for speaking in opposition to the LGBTQ community if Bill C-367 passes.
But Moon said someone who calls LGBTQ lifestyles “sinful” would not meet the legal threshold for incitement or promotion of hatred — unless they advocate for the extermination of certain groups or mischaracterize them in a way that could lead to ostracization.
“We’re talking about really extreme speech,” Moon said.
The main problem here is Unruh’s exceedingly poor choice of a source to steal from. NewsAddicts has been found by Media Bias/Fact Check to be “far-right biased and questionable based on the promotion of right-wing propaganda, conspiracy theories, pseudoscience, poor sourcing, a lack of transparency, and failed fact checks.”
Further, Unruh uncritically repeated the fake-news article’s claim by Andrew Torba about “traditional orthodox perspectives about Jews – views that have been part of our faith for 2,000 years” without noting that Torba is a raging Jew-hater who is likely referring to the right-wing emphasis on the idea that Jesus was killed by Jews, so he is perhaps the most problematic source in an already problematic article.
This is the sad state of WND these days — stealing fake news from other websites to create its own fake-news reports.