An anonymous WorldNetDaily staffer unironically wrote in an April 8 article:
A commentary from The Daily Signal’s Tyler O’Neil blasts AP, the legacy wire service launched in those historic days when telegraph wires linked cities, for its climate agenda that now includes having reporters refuse to include the “other side” in stories on its ideologies.
O’Neil is managing editor at the Signal, and explained the newest leftism comes from the AP’s “style guide,” which for years has been used by reporters across the industry to standardize grammar, spelling and more.
But it long has been pushing leftist ideas and agendas.
He noted the “latest round of updates” include “guidance on how to avoid ‘stigmatizing’ obese people, admonitions to avoid calling people ‘homeless’ as it might be ‘dehumanizing,’ and warnings to avoid the term ‘female’ since ‘some people object to its use as a descriptor for women because it can be seen as emphasizing biology and reproductive capacity over gender identity.'”
AP also for years has taken to side of the abortion lobby, suggesting pro-lifers be slammed with the negative label “anti-abortion” while promoting the other side as pursuing “abortion rights.”
It tells reporters to avoid “pro-life” and “pro-choice.”
Now it has delivered to reporters updates on its political agenda on climate change, or what used to be called global warming until the warming stopped.
First: Global warming hasn’t stopped, and “climate change” was a term devised by Republican strategist Frank Luntz to cast doubt on global warming science (he has since disavowed his work on that). Second: It’s rich to watch WND complain about other media outlets who won’t tell the “other side” when one-sided reporting makes up much of WND’s “news” coverage. To cite a couple recent examples: A article on “squatters” taking over houses failed to report the fact that it’s something that doesn’t exist to any serious extent, and an article repeating a right-wing extremist’s claim that the Baltimore bridge collapse was a terrorist attack censored the “other side” that said extremist has been repeatedly proven wrong.
This is another one of those instances in which WND refuses to follow the journalistic practices that it demands others adhere to. And, really, this anonymous piece isn’t “news” at all — it’s a rewrite of a column at the right-wing Daily Signal in which, yes, the writer refused to seek out anyone with a differing view.
This is the kind of lazy, hypocritical “journalism” that WND wants you to donate to pay for.