Michael Brown wasn’t the only WorldNetDaily writer to manufacture outrage over Easter falling on the same day as the Transgender Day of Visibility. Bob Unruh wrote in an April 1 article:
Joe Biden is on the receiving end of a lot of criticism this week for signing a proclamation designating March 31, Easter Sunday, as the transgender “Day of Visibility,” in what many Christians and conservatives see as a blasphemous act.
One of those is Judie Brown, head of the American Life League.
In a statement, she joined top Catholic theologian Cardinal Gerhard Muller, who has condemned Biden’s open defiance of Catholic church teachings, even though he claims to be a faithful Catholic.
Unlike the Media Research Center and Newsmax, Unruh surprisingly admitted that the Transgender Day of Visibility always falls on March 31 while Easter jumps around every year and just happened to fall on that day — but he kept up the outrage anyway, citing the discredited Gateway Pundit:
A report from the Gateway Pundit noted the White House explained the “day” is March 31 every year, and Easter Sunday changes annually, so it was happenstance.
Nevertheless, it was Biden who signed the declaration for the “transgender” event.
The report explained the White House “continued to gaslight millions of Americans after Biden declared Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility.'”
The report called Biden’s actions “blasphemous” and pointed out spokeswoman Karine Jean Pierre said it was “misinformation” that Biden issued the declaration regarding the celebration of a lifestyle that conflicts with biblical teaching.
She said, “So surprised by the misinformation that’s been out there! Every year for the past several years on March 31st – Transgender Day of Visibility is marked!”
An anonymously written article the same day kept up the outrage:
“Christians must confront and defeat this unholy takeover of American society.”
So charges a report at the Federalist following the latest anti-Christian stunt from Joe Biden.
That would be his designation of Easter Sunday as a “Day of Transgender Visibility.”
The White House claimed innocence, saying that the “day” is March 31 every year, and Easter just happened to fall on that day.
However, a report from staff writer Shawn Fleetwood explained it’s not just the day designation that reveals Biden agenda, which was described as “evil” by a spokeswoman for the American Life League.
His report explains the Easter “blasphemy” “leaves no doubt about Democrats’ descent into paganism.”
In fact, Biden stands accused of “hawking the demonic ideology of transgenderism” while Christians were “celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”
[…]Leftists rushed to paint transgenders as victims, he said.
“Why? Because transgenderism is one of the main tenets of Democrats’ pagan faith, meaning any narratives and facts undermining it must be stamped out. The same worldview underlies the Biden administration’s ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ stunt, leading the neo-pagans to dismiss and desecrate the holiest day of the Christian calendar,” he said.
WND loves to pass off lazy rewrites of opinion columns without offering a balanced viewpoint as “news.”
Unruh touted Donald Trump’s attempt to virtue-signal on the manufactured outrage in an April 4 article:
President Trump has responded to Joe Biden’s designation of Easter Sunday as “Transgender Day of Visibility” with plans for another new “day.”
A “Christian Day of Visibility,” which would be Nov. 5, also election day.
A report at Trending Politics News said Trump told reporters during a visit to Green Bay Wisconsin, “On November 5 we are going to win this state, we’re going to win the White House and we are going to save our country.
“November 5th is going to be called something else. You know what it’s going to be called? Christian Visibility Day, when Christians turn out in numbers that nobody has ever seen before,” he said.
It was Biden who, while banning children from using “religious symbols” in the White House annual egg decorating contest, insisted Easter Sunday was “Transgender Day of Visibility.”
White House officials said it was just chance that it landed on Easter Sunday, even though the Biden declarations specifically cites that day.
[…]Legacy media defended Biden, claiming the day falls on March 31 every, but Biden had not tweeted about that event until this year.
Biden immediately was the target of criticism for his signature on that “Transgender” promotion proclamation.
Unruh is lying when he claims that Biden was “banning children from using ‘religious symbols’ in the White House annual egg decorating contest.” In fact, a policy prohibiting such messages has been in place for decades — including during Trump’s presidency.