Scott Lively has had Nazis on the brain lately, and that pattern has continued. Lively’s June 17 column began by falsely portraying Capitol rioters as political prisoners:
By the grace of God I was not in D.C. on Jan. 6, 2021, or I’d probably be rotting away in the D.C. Gulag like the still-growing hundreds of MAGA political prisoners who fell into the entrapment nets set for them on that day by the Obiden secret police. I would never have committed violent acts or breached clearly marked areas, but out of curiosity I might well have been part of the group that entered the Capitol at the invitation/facilitation of the police after the do-not-enter signs and barriers had been pre-removed by presumed Obiden operatives.
As has become obvious since then, Obiden’s shadow government was already (rather, still) in power in D.C., despite four years of Trump’s partial control of the Executive Branch. Hopefully, if Trump regains the White House this November and purges the traitors from public office, all the deep state conspirators who nurtured, provoked and staged the “insurrection” will be exposed and prosecuted.
From there, Lively spread baseless election fraud conspiracy theories and claimed without evidence that a meeting in an Atlanta hotel he happened to be staying in the night before the riot was “likely a cash payoff meeting for ballot-stuffers.”
He went Godwin soon after:
I wrote my newsletter in the early morning of J6 and published it by email at exactly 9:57 a.m. Eastern – well before the now infamous events of the day. Presciently, it opened with the following questions:
“What if the German Christians and Jews of the 1920s had been able to see into the future and realize the full consequences of allowing the Marxist Adolf Hitler to take control of their nation in the stolen election of 1933, when his ‘National Socialist German Workers Party’ (aka NAZI Party) secretly burned down the German Parliament and then accused his political enemies of the crime? Do you think we will fare better than the Germans if the Dems take control of all three branches of our government on Jan. 21 because we let them get away with the most blatant and egregious election fraud in world history?”
Now compare what we’ve all witnessed in Obiden’s America since J6 to this short passage in Leonard Mosley’s “The Reich Marshall: Herman Goering” (1974):
[…]Replace the word “Communist” with “MAGA” in the third sentence, update the forms of available communication being censored to include social media, and add the suspension of the constitutional right to a “speedy trial” for the J6ers, and the Obiden strategy and tactics are eerily similar to Adolf Hitler’s.
This somehow led to Lively bizarrely smearing Michelle Obama as Barack’s “beard” who may very well be transgender (complete with Eva Braun reference):
Of course, when we say Obiden we mean Obama, so when we add to this analysis the (heavily suppressed) fact that both Obama and Hitler suffered from homosexuality, and for whom women apparently served as “beards” to fool the public, the homo-fascist parallels are even more disturbing.
Now, leftist and LGBT-compromised “conservative” heads will certainly be exploding at the outing of Hitler as “gay.” This is the solidly documented true history the SPLC named me a “hate group” for exposing and whose agents have for more than 20 years relentlessly worked to cancel me to suppress. You can confirm it for yourself by reading “The Pink Swastika” 4th Edition exclusively here (because Amazon and the other big booksellers have banned it!)
As for the issue of “beards,” my research strongly suggests that Hitler was set up with Eva Braun (late in life) by his exclusive photographer and “fixer” Heinrich Hoffman who had previously married off his own daughter Henny to “gay” Hitler Youth chief Baldur von Schirach, apparently to quash public rumors about his homosexuality. Eva was Hoffman’s employee. Supposedly, Obama’s pastor Jeremiah “G-d Damn America” Wright played the Hoffman role for him in the procurement of “Michelle” (who may or may not actually be a transgender). Discussion of these contentions are contained in the not-yet-published 6th Edition of “The Pink Swastika,” scheduled for release on Jan. 1, 2025.
We’ve noted how “The Pink Swastika” has been widely discredited, and it’s not clear what, if anything, Lively has done to fix those problems in ensuing editions. The fact that he continually revises the book tells us that even he thinks it was a mess.
For his June 24 column, Lively went full Godwin on Obama, likening him to Hitler and staging the then-upcoming debate as a way to take President Biden out of the picture a la Hitler’s “Night of the Long Knives”:
I believe Barack Obama has scheduled his faithful Avatar Joe Biden for political (not actual) “assassination,” live on CNN, on the night of the Trump/Biden “debate,” to pave the way for his own return to the White House on the coattails of his wife, through maneuvers at the upcoming Democratic National Convention. I believe the primary purpose of the debate is to shock the Kool-Aid-drinking blue-pilled left into reality as to Biden’s dementia and the need to remove him.
The pro-Biden propaganda machine will keep pumping out the “Joe is OK and can win” narrative right up to the debate itself, and then afterward all the key choir leaders (Rachel “Mad Dog” Maddow, Anderson “Catamitus” Cooper, et al.) will pull out their new song-sheet and talking points. I could, of course, be wrong – but it’s at least a highly plausible theory consistent with the Dem “morals” and mindset …. and with the history of Antichrist types like Obama.
On June 30, 1934, the last weekend of June, Adolf Hitler betrayed one of his closest friends and allies: the man above all others to whom he owed his success in his long rise to power from the streets of Munich in the 1910s, Ernst Roehm. That event, in which as many as 2,000 of Hitler’s enemies and potential threats were assassinated, was called “The Night of the Long Knives,” which has ever since been a metaphor for betrayal of the most consequential sort. Hitler would never have taken power in Germany if not for the Sturmabteilung (SA) “Storm Troopers,” which Ernst Roehm had first shaped into the most formidable and feared street-fighting force in Europe in the 1920s – and then grew to an army over 3 million strong whose street muscle and grassroots electioneering won Hitler the German chancellorship in 1932.
This, of course, led to more homophobia from Lively and a more explicit likening of Michelle Obama to Eva Braun:
So how is any of this relevant to the events of this week in America? First is the fact that America would not be in the social and political mess it’s in were it not for it’s own homosexual “Brownshirts” who made their first major move to take over this nation on the very same weekend in 1969 – specifically, June 28, 1969 – when the “gay” movement officially abandoned its prior demand for “tolerance” and launched a war for total cultural conquest in the Stonewall Riots in NYC. The anniversary of that extreme violence against the police has ever since been celebrated as “Gay Pride Day.”
After Stonewall and a short period of getting nationally organized, squads of “gay” bullies – in a style now commonplace among the anti-Semitic left on college campuses – first (successfully) targeted and compelled the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to end the recognition of same-sex attraction disorder as a pathology in 1973. (The APA has ever since been a vassal and tool of the hard left.) Freed from that political straightjacket, the LGBTs then proceeded to systematically coerce and intimidate every other institution and entity in the nation (especially media and academia) to full compliance with LGBT cultural hegemony, including finally the Boy Scouts of America and the U.S. military. The truth of this is indisputable.
Now lets look at the players on the present stage. It’s not a perfect analogy but fits the pattern in several essential respects. The Grand Narcissist Obama is clearly in the Hitler role, both in the common grandiose vision of “fundamentally transforming” the world to suit his personal vision, and in the (barely hidden) dysfunction of homosexuality – masked by what I believe is a female beard in both cases (Eva Braun and Michelle).
Lively concluded:
Biden is in the role of Roehm – in the sense of serving Obama in whatever capacity has been necessary to preserve his master’s power. Obama would not have been in a position to effectively run his shadow government post 2016, or to pull off the 2020 coup to oust Trump from the White House without fiercely loyal Biden. But now circumstances have changed dramatically and Biden represents the most serious threat to Obama’s continuation of power – just as Roehm represented Hitler’s most serious threat once he needed to actually govern. There is no other option but removal in both cases – in a way that allows all the scandals, criminality and ethical hypocrisies of the prior years to be blamed upon and “buried” with the victim.
As I’ve stated publicly several times, I think it’s most likely Biden will be “stroked out” and removed stage-left to a nursing home. I could be wrong on any of the predictions in this article, but of the past events I’ve reported here, and the nature and inclinations of the nefarious players I’ve mentioned above I am certainly right. In future history’s timeline, I think this week will rank with 1934 and 1969 as world-changing for similar reasons.
None of that happened, of course, and his claims about the Obamas are merely his creepy fantasies. He really should seek some professional help to deal with his irrational hate.