In his Aug. 7 WorldNetDaily column, Mike Pottage claimed that “The Democrat Party [sic] is a smear machine, grinding out senseless character assassinations almost daily.” In truth, Pottage appears to be talking about himself — after all, that use of “Democrat Party” is a smear grounded in a childish right-wing petulance to deliberately get the party’s name wrong.
Indeed, after spending the previous few weeks taking time away from being Vladimir Putin’s press agent to engage in senseless character assassination against President Biden, Pottage pivoted to making senseless character assassinations against Kamala Harris:
- Manufactured presidents and other affronts to America
- Why campaign if a win is in the bag?
- Free enterprise is not welcome in Kamala’s Amerika
- Kamala will be brilliant … just don’t ask me why
- California lawmakers rush to rescue Kamala
- Kamala as leader of the free world – really?
After Harris won the debate against Donald Trump, Pottage spent his Sept. 11 column dismissing the value of debates (and, of course, engaging in even more Harris-bashing):
We all just witnessed the great debate which wasn’t. What was said in this press interview? What was said about what was said after it was said? In other words, substance. Let us look for the substance.
On the Kamala Harris side of the ledger, the first impression and the last impression were consistent. The woman whines like a 4-year-old complaining when she has been told to eat her peas. “I don’t want to. I don’t like peas. We always have peas. Peas are awful.” She grates on one’s nerves. She appears to be in a permanent state of childhood.
Then, if you take away the phrase “I will address that …” and the phrase “I have a plan …” there was no substance to her remarks. If she really has a plan for all the problems facing America, what the hell has she been doing for four years? The proof she is adrift in presidential politics is the fact she was named border czar and could not or did not bother to find the border, let along “have a plan” to do anything to protect our civilization.
[…]This debate, in this year, with people openly expressing fear of civil war at home and World War III everywhere, was, as expected, disappointing. It was disappointing because it left Kamala Harris standing, when she could and should have been vanquished.
Pottage’s irrational rage at Harris continued to grow as the election neared. He screeched in an Oct. 14 column headlined “Dems ask us to vote for a stupid loser”:
Kamala Harris is stupid. Add to that the fact she is not a nice person, a trait that oozes from per persona and permeates everything.
She owes her political career to a one-party state, California, where automatically all her personal failures were blamed on her gender, her skin color, American cultural and the U.S. Constitution.
In her first presidential campaign, which quickly fell apart, she failed to make it to the California primary. The campaign autopsy focused upon her inability to get along with staff, her lack of capacity to stay on message, and a strange communications skill that resembled a babbling idiot more than a presidential candidate.
This time around, she was gifted the “victory” when Democratic Party dictators assessed their victorious incumbent presidential candidate Joe Biden as “too far gone” to do the job.
[…]No matter who wins, we will suffer post-election diatribes as the Democrats blame “dis” and “mis” information in their post-election response.
This election, at best, can only forestall the chaos being thrust upon the nation. Even a Mondale-sized defeat will not prompt the Democratic Party to question its basic assumption that government control of everything is Utopian.
Pottage raged even more in his Oct. 25 column:
America has a serious problem when an incompetent person such as Kamala Harris is even considered to be a potential president. Her ability to communicate could be challenged by many homeless people in downtown America, people with minds clouded by substance abuse.
Yet here we are, days away from an election and polling gives her a chance at winning. At no time, in any election in the 18th, 19th or 20th centuries would Kamala Harris have been considered presidential material by a major political party. At no time would her candidacy make it through a primary. Of course, that is true today. Harris did not run in the primary. She was ordained as the presidential candidate by unnamed persons within the national Democrat Party [sic] leadership, an event that reflects poorly upon that party. Even Hitler was elected, although by only about 35 percent of the vote.
Her candidacy is a fairy tale in which the sorcerer tosses the bucket of water, and candidate melts away. At least in this world, at this time, we can hope for a modified fairy-tale ending. Otherwise, pain is going to engulf America.
He concluded with a little creepy gushing over Trump:
America has seen the manner of the man Donald Trump. He did not duck and run after being shot. He stood up, blood streaming down his face, and exhorted the crowd to “Fight. Fight. Fight.”
In a world with two wars ongoing and two war flashpoints in Asia, with economic inflation a threat to everyone, it would seem obvious one candidate has been tested and passed. The other has failed to even take the border integrity test. It is a mystery why this would be a close election.
Pottage didn’t explain why a felon and rapist who incited violence could have “passed” any sort of test for the presidency.