Scott Lively is unsurprisingly happy at the prospect of Donald Trump fulfilling biblical prophecy in the Middle East. In his Sept. 30 column, he cheered the idea of Trump facilitating the construction of the Third Temple in Jerusalem:
In the not too distant future, probably under Trump, we will see the return of the Temple Mount to the direct control of the Jews and the return of animal sacrifices with or without the rebuilding of the Temple. There is scriptural ambiguity about whether a sacrificial altar could substitute for a fully reconstructed Temple (as was true under Ezra right after the Judean return from Babylon), but I think it most likely will be rebuilt.
[…]There is nothing in David’s conduct so distinct and superior from the other righteous kings of the Old Testament to truly qualify him for the comparison to the Messiah. Indeed, his conduct as a man of war disqualified him from having the honor of building the First Temple, and his horrific sins and their consequences related to the theft of Bathsheba from Uriah the Hittite greatly sabotaged their son Solomon spiritually. Only the full unification of the houses of Judah and Israel under the House of David merits his comparison to Christ. The fact that it was Solomon’s sins that caused God to rip the House of David into two again in the very next generation only strengthens my case: The only good and lasting fruit of David’s life was the political legacy of his own regency: “David’s Throne.”
This analysis is important relative to Donald Trump and the question whether he is the King David figure who will fully restore Jerusalem to the Judeans and oversee the rebuilding of the Temple. Some point to Trump’s character flaws and past sins to suggest he doesn’t qualify for that honor – but nothing he’s ever done remotely compares to David’s treatment of Uriah. I think the bigger question is whether Trump can bring true peace and unity to the Holy Land – and if that means by military force like David did, I think his capability is pretty much a given.
[…]If my analogy holds true, Trump will win in November, the Deep State will try desperately after the election to keep him out of the White House but fail, and Trump will celebrate his victory over the Philistines by endorsing or sponsoring the Third Temple.
Lively continued his obsession with Barack Obama in his Oct. 24 column, continuing to portray him as the Antichrist:
I’ve been holding my peace and watching from a distance ever since my prediction failed that Barack Obama would end up in a head-to-head contest with President Trump (directly or indirectly) in November. But all bets were off when the action on the political battlefield swung from crazy to surreal in the takedown of Joe Biden and replacement with Kamala Harris by the controlling Marxist elites. I knew the game had changed completely when they suddenly dropped all pretext of “democracy” and simply installed HER as the candidate (rather than Michelle) as if she were just another garbage company winning a no-bid contract in mob-run Boston, Philadelphia or NYC. And since then Barack (now as gaunt as an AIDS patient) has looked so impotent in his Kamala-surrogate role, I’m seriously considering scratching him off my list of Antichrist candidates 🙂 (Not really – because I think its all an act.)
[…]For years I’d been spotlighting Biden as the man being set up to take the blame for the whole corrupt cabal – I even nicknamed him “Joey the Scapegoat” and to the very end thought the controlling elites were going to publicly sacrifice him like Azazel’s prize. But, impressively, Biden’s leveraging of the presidency outmaneuvered even Obama, masterfully transferring his fated scapegoat role onto Harris. Biden may still be named and shamed for the crimes as a panacea for the masses, but his dementia will make him unprosecutable (and if I’m right nothing substantive will ever come of it per the secret deal with Trump). Meanwhile, Harris will take the blame for the 2024 political failure – which will, of course, be attributed entirely to racism and mysogyny, confirming core Marxist narratives and fueling continuing passion for “social justice.” In other words, she’ll skate too.
In his Oct. 28 column, Lively served up another vicious sexual smear of Harris:
And in this election, the risk is that Kamala Harris will win and reverse every pro-life victory Trump won for us in 2016-2020, resulting in the deaths of potentially millions of unborn babies that would otherwise be saved under a Trump second term.
Trump may not support a total ban on abortion right now (which is not achievable in today’s political climate), but he’s not going to stop chipping away at the baby-killing industry in doable steps – or undo the amazing, unprecedented work he’s already done for the babies. Are you going to let the Whore of Babylon win the White House because Trump is playing politics on hypotheticals?
Lively then declared that “support for abortion is mostly rooted in rebellion against the patriarchal order established by God as a foundation stone of human civilization.” From there, Lively raged that women are allowed to vote and demanded that America “return to patriarchy”:
In many ways America’s most fateful election was granting women the right to vote against the wishes of their husbands in matters specifically ordained as his area of responsibility. I believe every evil turn in public policy has occurred as a result of that election (technically a state-by-state series of them) because subjective emotionalism replaced objective rationalism as both the standard for policy and the means for swaying public opinion. This is not to say that all women are equally susceptible to subjective emotionalism or all men are equally driven by objective rationalism but these are obvious and valid stereotypes generally speaking, and that’s all that matters to social engineers. In a “representative democracy” it’s all about getting a simple majority – so “empowering” women to shape public policy while emasculating men to promote emotionalism in them is a win/win for them.
That’s why we’re largely ruled today by irrational raging Feminists and Beta-Male “Soy Boys.” And those are the very people who hate and fear Trump the most because he is an unashamed Alpha-Male who symbolically and practically represents the return to patriarchy.
I believe that the 19th Amendment would never have been ratified if the voters of that day could have looked into the future and seen its consequences. Conversely, I don’t think it’s possible or desirable to reverse it at this stage: Pandora’s Box has simply been open so long we’re no longer the same society. BUT, God’s natural order is organic and self-organizing. If we just drain the swamp and clear out the weeds, His garden will grow back, quickly producing many new and healthy examples of true masculinity and femininity, true marriages and a thriving network of natural families – God’s eco-system for human civilization.
That’s my expectation from Trump’s second term, which I hope every pro-life Christian will join me in voting for.
Lively is a guy, so of course he supports a “return to patriarchy.”
In his Nov. 4 column, Lively restrained himself from making more Harris slurs and Trump-fluffing; instead, he praised the American experiment for enabling “the phenomenon of bottom-up governance,” then uniroinically complained that “the tendency of strong-willed men of means to impose an order of their own choosing was likely. That is the reality of all human society because of the reality of unredeemed human nature.” No mention, of course, of that being the quintessential definition of patriarchy, or of Trump being the quintessential strong-willed man of means who got involved in politics to impose an order of his own choosing.