Far-right Rep. Nancy Mace had a very public meltdown over newly elected Democratic Rep. Sarah McBride, who is transgender — and the transphobic Media Research Center was there for it. Jorge Bonilla cheered Mace’s freakout in a Nov. 19 post:
One of the lessons of the 2024 presidential election was supposed to be that the left’s culture war was too alienating of normal people. Far-left MSNBC, who’ve lost half their viewers since the election, appear to have trouble understanding that no one wants to be Karened into accepting the left’s insane cultural impositions.
Take, for instance, Alex Wagner, and her insane open wherein she dismisses Congresswoman Nancy Mace’s refusal to share a restroom with biological men, now a reality after the election of Sarah (formerly Tim) McBride to Congress, as a “Flood the Zone” distraction[.] […]
How DARE Nancy Mace refuse to submit to the cult of transgenderism and deny the ritual of toileting in close proximity to a biological man, female attire notwithstanding? Alex Wagner sat through this election, allowed it to marinate for two weeks, listened to every postmortem begging liberals not to be weird, and still found a way to vomit out this hot take. It’s a work of performance art, really.
What’s worse- by lumping Mace’s objections in with the controversies surrounding some of President-Elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks, Wagner is refusing to acknowledge Mace’s agency. For many American women, bathroom (and athletic field and locker room) access is a problem that must be carefully navigated. Some women make shopping decisions based on bathroom policies. Others, unfortunately, discover these policies by accident.
Yet somehow Mace’s meltdown — seemingly calculated to appeal to the homophobic right, like Bonilla and his MRC co-workers — is somehow not “performance art.”
Bonilla kept up the manufactured outrage the next day:
We are on Day Two of the Capitol Hill Bathroom Cycle, which shows no sign of abating. CBS and NBC have now taken up the cause of the transgender member of Congress who is, as of today, NOT allowed to use women’s facilities due to being a biological male.
[…]Just so we are crystal clear here, CBS Congressional Correspondent Scott MacFarlane is in a moral panic because Nancy Mace refuses to acknowledge Representative-Elect McBride as a woman. This was basically the tone and tenor for both reports: outrage at the idea that men who dress as women are not women, and should therefore not be allowed to use the same restroom facilities as women.
This is the same Regime Media that made short shrift of the various mediocre male swimmers that invaded women’s swimming. Today, it’s volleyball, with a number of female athletes suffering concussions after getting balls spiked on their heads by male athletes. The erasure of women continues apace, and as we saw on MSNBC’s Alex Wagner Tonight, the Regime Media have chosen the side that erases women.
[…]Both reports end with condescending quotes from far-left members of Congress, and with a collective eye roll and deep Algoreian sigh at what our collective refusal to endorse the societal erasure of women betrays: our lack of enlightenment. If only we agree to destroy our girls and women, then our moral betters might stop looking down upon us. These guys are working hard for that CEI score, and it shows.
The existence of transgender people does not “erase women,” and Bonilla knows he is lying by claiming otherwise.
Alex Christy weighed in with a Nov. 21 post huffing that “former CBS Evening News host Katie Couric claimed that rape survivor and GOP Rep. Nancy Mace is being ‘just shitty’ to Rep.-elect Sarah McBride because Mace believes women’s restrooms are for actual women, not men who claim they are women,” going on to rant:
McBride is not the only member of Congress “forbidden to use the ladies’ room.” All of the other males are also prohibited from doing so. Still, Couric added that Mace and people who agree with her “are just mean, aren’t they? It really makes me mad. That’s it.”
Responsible societies do not throw away all of human history and every biology textbook ever written just because Katie Couric is “mad.”
Bonilla returned for a meltdown over Spanish-language media weighing in on the subject:
Telemundo’s most recent coverage of the controversy surrounding bathroom privileges for a transgender freshman Member of Congress confirms that those who depend on the national Spanish-language media are the most disinformed cohort among the electorate.
[…]For those keeping score at home, we are on Day Four of the Bathroomgate cycle. And Telemundo’s idea of balanced coverage is to bring on a GLAAD activist and do four and half minutes of “advocacy journalism.”
There were no advocates for women present. Telemundo did not book anyone who might explain why protecting women’s spaces from the ongoing intrusion of masquerading men is a good idea. In fact, the questions appeared to be written by GLAAD.
Bonilla is helping to perpetuate “Bathroomgate,” so it’s unclear why he’s upset about that — he gets paid to write about it, after all.
Christy came back to complain that late-night comedy shows weighed in:
Comedy Central’s The Daily Show host of the week, Desi Lydic, declared on Thursday that Speaker Mike Johnson and Rep. Nancy Mace appear to believe that their mandate after Republicans won all three elected parts of the government is to make transgender Rep.-elect Sarah McBride’s life more difficult, as Johnson recently affirmed that sex-based restrooms are what those words mean.
Lydic was not happy at the idea that Democrats lost the election because they’ve gone too woke, “We’ve all heard the official story of the 2024 election: According to the pundits, the Democrats were obsessed with woke they/them politics that didn’t connect with voters, while Republicans were talking about real issues that affect people day-to-day. So, now Republicans are in charge of both houses of Congress, so let’s hear about the economy.”
In a local news clip, a reporter declared, “On Capitol Hill, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson took aim at Democrat Sarah McBride, the first trans member of Congress. He barred transgender people from using the Capitol complex bathrooms that do not align with the sex assigned at birth.”
Names are assigned at birth; sex is just a fact of biological life. Nonsensical babble aside, Lydic lamented, “Okay, forget about the economy. I guess the national mandate was making it harder for this one woman to poop at work.”
She also claimed, “Sarah McBride, the first trans congresswoman, hasn’t even started work yet, and she already has to run around the corner to Starbucks to pee.”
Fact-check: False. Every member of Congress has a private bathroom in their office.
According to Lydic, the only reason this is even a story is because “of one congresswoman: Nancy Mace, the Republican from South Carolina, where things must be running so smoothly that she can devote all her energy to this.”
For all his nitpicking, Christy didn’t dispute that Mace is taking time away from issues Republicans supposedly care more about to obsess over McBride. And if “every member of Congress has a private bathroom in their office,” why is Mace making a huge stink about what facilities McBride uses? Christy doesn’t answer that question.
Meanwhile, Washington Post Monica Hesse reminded people of the completely manufactured nature of this kerfuffle:
Just so we’re all on the same page, here’s how public bathrooms work for women: Each restroom is cordoned off into multiple private stalls. Each stall has its own door, which fully shuts and locks. Each door either goes all the way to the ground or — more commonly — stops approximately 12 inches from the floor. This is not an open-plan urinal situation, is what I’m saying. This is a situation in which the most flesh anyone typically sees is a scandalous, tawdry swath of … ankle.
If, somehow, a sex pest were to infiltrate a women’s room and do something creepy — like attempting to spy under a stall — then the women using the restroom would and should call security to have the sex pest removed. That would be true whether the culprit was a cis woman, a trans woman, a man or six koalas in a trench coat. Creepy behavior should be policed; mere existence should not.
Just so we’re further on the same page: McBride does not appear to be a sex pest. She has been serving in the Delaware Senate for three years; she had a high-profile job with the Human Rights Campaign for several years before that; she was the student body president of American University when she first came out as transgender in 2012. I do not think she has come to Washington to use public restrooms as a vehicle to harass her fellow members of Congress.
[…]Why do I think Mace is preoccupied with bathrooms now? I have no idea what is in her heart or mind. But if I had to speculate, it might have something do with the fact that in the 2024 election cycle, conservatives successfully identified transgender issues as a distracting, fearmongering wedge.
Hesse also praised McBride for not taking Mace’s bait, saying that “I’m not here to fight about bathrooms. I’m here to fight for Delawareans and bring down costs facing families.”
The MRC will never admit that this so-called controversy is completely manufactured — it’s helping to manufacture the thing, after all.