Before the election, WorldNetDaily managing editor David Kupelian was using his sparsely read Whistleblower magazine to peddle pre-emptive claims of voter fraud and making an in-kind contribution to Donald Trump’s campaign by fearmongering about Kamala Harris. With Trump’s victory, Kupelian used his latest issue of Whistleblower to once again play the divine-Donald card:
Americans recently found out what can happen when tens of millions of normal, decent, patriotic, God-fearing citizens fervently pray to Almighty God to have mercy on their beloved but wayward nation – and to save them from falling under the excruciating rule of deranged sociopaths obviously in the grip of very dark forces.
Indeed, most Americans understood they were close to losing, perhaps forever, the greatest and most abundantly blessed nation in history.
Here’s how Christian broadcaster and bestselling author Eric Metaxas put it one day after a would-be assassin in Butler, Pennsylvania, shot Donald Trump, hitting him in the ear while missing his skull by literally half an inch – and only because Trump suddenly turned his head 90 degrees at the exact right moment:
“I have said repeatedly for months that those who hate Trump would stop at nothing to make sure he doesn’t get back in to the White House, including trying to assassinate him. I have also said God’s hand is on him, and would protect him, if God forbid someone did try to do that. Last night we saw that happen. His survival was nothing less than a miracle. So be assured that God is not finished with this nation.
“But we need to pray,” Metaxas urged. “We are in an existential crisis, and without God, this experiment in self-government will not continue. But it is God’s will that it continue. So please pray.”
Today, overwhelming relief and thanksgiving for God’s mercy are breathing new life and hope –even joy – into the long-suffering American middle class that delivered Donald Trump’s landslide victory on Nov. 5, while rejecting the Democrats’ manifestly insane agenda.
Reinforcing the narrative, Kupelian’s essay for the issue is headlined “How God blessed the USA.” He served up even more hate and fearmongering at Harris:
In reality, had Kamala Harris actually become president, commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States and “leader of the free world,” the result would certainly have been not merely “chaos around the world,” but unprecedented – and possibly terminal – societal meltdown at home.
Consider the unbearable stress on the freedom-loving American people of being ruled by someone who is simultaneously: 1) a longtime Marxist (Elon Musk wrote on X that “Kamala is quite literally a communist” and explained exactly why), 2) astonishingly shallow – many use the word “stupid” – to the point of being utterly unable to think and speak clearly and honestly about core issues facing the nation, and 3) a jarringly unlikable and mean person (over 90% of her White House staffers quit in the first three years, according to the Washington Post, which interviewed 18 current and former Harris staffers. Her own staff describe working conditions under Kamala Harris with phrases ranging from “uncomfortable” to “soul-destroying.”
So, beyond the predictable horrors Americans would have had to endure had she won – a continuation of suicidal Biden-Harris immigration policies, the regime’s love affair with the wholesale surgical mutilation of the nation’s children, and so on – America would almost certainly have experienced an unparalleled and massive new “mental health crisis” (a secular term for widespread spiritual oppression). Many more suicides, an explosion of “mental disorders,” unexplainable mass-hysteria outbreaks, more criminal “senseless violence” and random madness of every variety, all fueled by desperation and unbearable rage. In sum, all the dark manifestations one might anticipate when a once-free, God-fearing and prosperous nation’s smiling new supreme leader turns out to be an authoritarian Marxist who, behind all the compulsive laughter and phony “joy,” is shockingly deranged and cruel. In other words, “soul-destroying.”
It wouldn’t be a Kupelian essay if he wasn’t hypocritically ranting about Trump being likened to Hitler:
Some much-relieved Americans are now enthusiastically calling Donald Trump the greatest American president since Ronald Reagan, evoking the famous “Morning in America” theme of Reagan’s 1984 re-election campaign. And indeed, there are many striking similarities between what Reagan accomplished after the chaotic and financially ruinous Carter presidency, and what Trump accomplished after Barack Obama’s toxic and divisive eight years as president.
But of all the things common to both Reagan and Trump, and there are many – their obvious love for America, their insistence on “peace through strength” via a robust military, their enlightened economic policies, their buoyant sense of humor, and the genuine respect they both inspired in foreign leaders – one other similarity is seldom mentioned:
Democrats compared both presidents to Adolf Hitler.
That’s right. As Steven F. Hayward, author of the 2001 book “The Age of Reagan” revealed: “Liberals hated Reagan in the 1980s. Pure and simple.” For example, he wrote, “Democratic Rep. William Clay of Missouri charged that Reagan was ‘trying to replace the Bill of Rights with fascist precepts lifted verbatim from Mein Kampf.'”
Yet Reagan and Trump aren’t alone in being breezily equated with the most despised genocidal psychopath in human history. As top talk-show host Larry Elder explored in an op-ed, Democrats calling Republicans Nazis has been standard practice for decades. Current Minnesota attorney general and former congressman Keith Ellison compared President George W. Bush to Hitler. After Republicans took control of the House in the mid-’90s, Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., compared the newly conservative-controlled House to “the Duma and the Reichstag” – that is, the legislature set up by Czar Nicholas II of Russia and the parliament of the German Weimar Republic that brought Hitler to power.
Billionaire funder of all things far-Left and perverse, George Soros said President George W. Bush displays “the supremacist ideology of Nazi Germany. … Indeed, the Bush administration has been able to improve on the techniques used by the Nazi and communist propaganda machines.”
On and on it goes, with Democrats addicted to accusing Republicans of being Nazis and their leaders of being Hitler clones. In 2016, this writer documented how five different Washington Post writers explicitly compared Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler during just that year.
Indeed, the practice of Democrats likening Trump to the most reviled genocidal mass murderer in history has grown exponentially ever since he was first elected president, and it continues to this day.
Unfortunately, accusing an American president of being like Hitler is not merely dishonest and insane, it is a de facto call for his assassination, since the most moral response to the real Adolf Hitler during the Third Reich was to attempt to kill him, and the participants in all of the many plots to assassinate “Der Fuhrer” are today universally considered heroes.
Once again, Kupelian failed to mention that he and the rest of WND repeatedly likened Barack Obama to Hitler and other Nazis — and, if that wasn’t enough, liking him to the Antichrist as well — meaning that Kupelian himself is not merely dishonest and insane, he issued a de facto call for Obama’s assassination. Is Kupelian ever going to admit his dishonesty and insanity? Will he ever repent of behavior that he now insists is dishonest and insane?
But Kupelian doesn’t have the moral integrity to confess his sins and admit he’s no better than those he gets paid to smear on a daily basis. He’s getting paid to be a Trump lackey, after all, and to falsely demonize anyone who’s not as far-right as he is:
So, what must good Americans do to hold on to their victory – this precious reprieve God has granted them – and which may represent their last chance to restore America?
Yes, Nov. 5 represents a great battle decisively won. The normal people are in charge again. But the larger war will continue, and as Trump said so memorably right after being shot in Butler, Pa., all good Americans must continue to “fight, fight, fight” for their beloved nation.
After all, most of America’s key institutions, from the “mainstream media” to Big Tech to academia are still almost entirely in the hands of the Left. “Drag queen story hour” brainwashing sessions intended to corrupt the nation’s toddlers will still take place. Ivy League colleges will still be full of unhinged Marxist professors obsessed with indoctrinating America’s young people. And of course, the more out-of-view realms of dark power projection – of big money, of the Deep State, of globalists, of foreign plots, of would-be assassins and every other kind of opposition – are still out there.
And of course, media personalities will continue to defame and try to tear down the Trump administration whenever possible, and to turn Americans against it.
And yet, it won’t work.
Why? Because the credibility of the “enemy within” has been destroyed; tens of millions of Americans simply do not believe them anymore. Reports of CNN preparing to fire “hundreds” of staffers and MSNBC’s ratings falling by 50% testify to the reality that Americans have finally awakened to – and firmly rejected – the lies being directed at them daily by the Left.
In light of all this, it’s reasonable to take a leap of faith and simply dare to affirm that America is back.
In gloating about the travails of CNN and MSNBC, Kupelian is certainly not going to remind people that he played a key role in WND so destroying what little credibility it had by obsessively promoting Obama birther conspiracy theories that advertisers wanted nothing to do with it, forcing it to restructure as a partial nonprofit in a desperate bid to stay alive — but without changing the business model of publishing fake news and conspiracy theories that created this financial situation.
Kupelian closed with one more divine-Donald gushing: “Yes, the Almighty picked someone to lead the current charge – Donald J. Trump. But this blessing goes far beyond Trump. America itself is back – as long as true Americans hold fast to it, honor it and protect it.”