WorldNetDaily columnist Mychal Massie spent much of the 2024 presidential election in a rage over the idea that Michelle Obama — whom he has denigrated as “Buttzilla” for no apparent reason — might run, not withstanding the fact that she has expressed absolutely no interest in doing so. For his Dec. 9 column, he returned to his longtime target of irrational hate: Michelle’s husband, Barack. He began by commenting about his purported sex life, which appears to be happening only in Massie’s fevered brain:
Monday morning, Dec. 9, 2024, brought with it news of gargantuan proportions. Barry “the bathhouse” Obama had broken his post-election silence with what has been called a stunning and eyebrow-raising speech.
He had spoken at the Obama Foundation Democracy Forum in Chicago not far from the site where his presidential center is being built. I haven’t seen the architectural rendering of said “center.” I will admit to wondering out loud if his so-called center is being built in proximity to any of the homosexual bathhouses he is allegedly well-known to have frequented during his many years in Chicago. But I digress. (Sarcasm intended.)
After that, Massie was filled with even more Obama conspiracy theories, centered around the unproven idea (pushed by other WND columnists) that Kamala Harris’ loss means an end to Obama’s influence:
This forces the legitimate question: Was Hillary a victim of foul play by Obama as she claimed at the time? It certainly speaks to just how bad the late John McClain and Mitt Romney were as candidates.
Republicans would have taken the White House in 2008 and 2012, if not for the meddling of the Bush family handlers trying to set the stage for the failed Jeb Bush effort in 2016 when President Trump crushed the 15-candidate field opposing him, which included Bush.
It should be understood that the ability to pass horrible legislation with the backroom help of Republicans doesn’t make one a great president.
Obama has been silent since President Trump – in reality – handed neither Harris nor Biden a defeat but, in fact, crushed the vaunted (and mythical, I might add) Obama’s political control of the Democratic Party.
Had the Republican hierarchy not selected two successive failures in an effort to establish a Bush dynasty to surpassed the Kennedys – its hard to argue America would not have had eight years without failed policies of Obama. To compound things, the Republican hierarchy sat by privately applauding and encouraging Democratic attempts to destroy President Trump.
Massie spewed even more anti-Obama hate, than a lie about himself:
Obama has been a bathhouse/backseat sodomite, a political panhandler/grifter, manipulated into the right positions his entire life. This led to believing the lies that portrayed him as the summum bonum for all things Democrat Fabian-Marxist.
I don’t wish him ill; one need only to look at his life and family to see that has been the case his entire life. His mother was highly unstable (and some would argue unfit). His grandfather “turned him over” to the avowed Communist activist Frank Marshall Davis, who was an alleged pedophile and an emotionally unstable sodomite, fueled by hatred for those he viewed as “white” people and an absolute hatred for America.
Davis did a masterful job of destroying whatever emotional stability the 10-year-old Obama had left.
Noboy believes Massie doesn’t wish Obama ill. Really, Massie should probably be more concerned about his own emotional stability.