Scott Lively is a proud homophobe (though he claims to hate the word), and he’s hoping the incoming Trump administration will use force of government to hate and punish them as much as he does in his Dec. 2 column headlined “MAGA must push the LGBT agenda back in the closet,” which began by praising how much better the country was when gay people had no rights:
My career as a Christian social activist of the Reagan Revolution has been focused on fighting the rise of sexual anarchy and its destructive effects on civilization. But, despite sometimes adopting the label because we literally have no vocabulary to describe “right-wing progressivism,” I’m not a “conservative.” Instead I follow the founders’ vision for “a shining city on a hill” (a biblical model) in which civilization is marriage and family centered, there is true respect for God and His natural order in all of its aspects, and the best interests of children temper all public policy. For all its flaws, there’s never been a better example of that than America in the 1950s. Its best elements should be revived as part of a foundation for something even better: not a return to the past, but a plan for the future.
Importantly, the 1950s was also the beginning of hardcore LGBT activism. The special emphasis of my ministry has been against the LGBT movement, which is essentially an army of satanically energized change agents who have been unleashed on the world by the “progressives” to normalize every form of sexual deviance. They are in the final stage of that transformation with their Maoist-style Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) agenda whose purpose is to impose an LGBT-driven social credit system over all aspects of society and culture globally – complete with punishment-backed mandates specially targeted against Christians and conservatives.
The election victory of Donald Trump, made possible by his own counter-army of anti-DEI MAGA patriots, gives me hope. If MAGA can make the parasitic DEI DIE before it can kill what’s left of the Bible-based patriarchal order at the heart of Western civilization, there’s a chance we could see normalcy fully restored in America.
Unfortunately, it will take far more than just ending DEI to accomplish that, and if MAGA adopts a “conservative” approach to the problem, it will utterly fail by “conserving the status quo” on things like “gay marriage” and the fantasy of “gay conservatism” instead of rolling back the sexual anarchy agenda to its starting point. They will, for all practical purposes, finish the work of the hard left by normalizing yesterday’s LGBT victories, even while celebrating today’s very temporary partial “victory” over the “trans” agenda. And by mindlessly playing their assigned part in the Marxist dialectic, they would themselves ensure the “trans” agenda will be normalized tomorrow after a brief pause. Again, that’s how the Marxist dialectic works: Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis – and why we’re in today’s existential crisis.
Lively again spread his ant-gay conspiracy-mongering:
Perhaps the best framework for understanding what must be done is my five-point scale The Five Stages of Homofascism: 1) tolerance, 2) acceptance, 3) celebration, 4) forced participation in “gay” culture, and 5) punishment of dissenters, which I explained in a 2019 WND column.
In the 1950s America was at stage one, granting tolerance to those suffering same sex attraction disorder (SSAD) to the extent that they functioned as a discrete subculture outside the mainstream. True marriage and the natural family held cultural primacy, and our laws protected those institutions – for example, criminalizing and publicly discouraging adultery and pro-actively raising children with the expectation they would one day be moms and dads of their own family. We had a workable balance then, because the “gays” stayed in the closet and the rest of us granted them what they said they wanted: the right to be left alone.
The huge mistake we made was allowing the God-hating Cultural Marxist “progressives” in Hollywood, academia and government to chip away at legal protections for marriage and family while normalizing “sexual freedom,” using “gay liberation” to recruit an LGBT army. I described that process in my WND column of Aug. 1, 2022, “The LGBT strategy to gain constitutional protection.”
Today we are at stage five and on the very edge of collapse as a civilization because of it. So morally compromised have we become as a society that it took the nationwide normalization of child sexual mutilation and the literal grooming of an entire generation of young children to wake up the public enough to back Trump and MAGA to reverse the process.
As Lively very well knows, gay people were not “left alone” in the 1950s — being gay was a crime in many states, and there was a “lavender scare” that targeted LGBT civil servants. (Also of note: Lively uses the word “Marxist” five times in his column.)
He concluded by ranting:
We hope and pray this chaos can be ended and sanity restored but we’ll never see anything more than a temporary reprieve if we don’t cut that tree down to the roots. We need to roll the LGBT agenda back to the “tolerance” stage of the 1950s and diligently prevent that lifestyle and condition from ever again achieving “acceptance” as a false-equivalent to heterosexual normalcy. Let people who choose to follow that lifestyle enjoy the right to privacy, within reason, so long as they agree never again to try and remake society in their own image.
[…]Mark my words as a 30-year, front-lines, pro-family activist: MAGA’s anti-DEI efforts will have no more lasting effect than the Boys Scouts v. Dale ruling if the LGBT agenda is not pushed back into the closet where it belongs and stays contained there by new laws protecting normalcy.
Yes, Lively thinks that virulent hatred of LGBT people and denial of their rights should be “normal.”