Michael Reagan (with Michael Shannon) served up a right-wing revisionist history of the COVID pandemic in his Jan. 28 Newsmax column:
And at the end of his first week in office, Trump struck a blow for justice that was almost as important as pardoning the Jan. 6 rioters.
We’ll let Fox News correspondent, Peter Doocy — a frequent Biden sparring partner — explain, “President Donald Trump will sign an executive order to reinstate service members booted from the military for declining to get COVID-19 vaccine jabs, according to the White House.
“‘The Executive Order directs the Secretary of Defense to reinstate all members of the military (active and reserve) who were discharged for refusing the COVID vaccine and who request to be reinstated,” according to the White House fact sheet.'”
You may recall the bio-medical tyranny we lived under during the COVID-19 panic.
We were confined to our homes, businesses were closed, and schools emptied to avoid a virus with a 99% survival rate and was mostly harmless for young people without crippling comorbidities.
And what organizations are composed of young people, mostly very fit, who aren’t afflicted by a menu of other maladies?
We would suggest the military fits the bill.
That’s why many were amazed when Democratic politicians ordered the Pentagon to fire healthy service members who refused the experimental COVID-19 clot shot because they didn’t want to be experimented upon or already had the disease and were naturally immune.
That didn’t matter to “Democrat-Branch-Covidians.”
They discharged over 8,000 troops during a time period when the military was having trouble meeting its recruitment benchmarks.
Reagan omitted the fact that military personnel are generally obligated to follow a legitimate order, and letting those who refuse to without consequences is harmful to military order. And immunity from COVID, either “naturally” from a previous infection or through a vaccine, is not long-lasting — only around six months. But Reagan is a Trump toady, so that’s what he will serve up:
In a manner that should attract many of the 7,957 military members who didn’t want to risk another dance with the corrupt Biden gang, “This week I will reinstate any service members who were unjustly expelled from our military for objecting to the COVID vaccine mandate, with full back pay,” Trump announced.
Even better, “The service members who are reinstated will be restored to their prior rank, and will be provided back pay and benefits.”
This is an excellent start. But we emphasize “start.”
The new Secretary of Defense Pete Hegseth must seek out every member of the chain of command who enforced this order and make sure they’re never in a position of authority again.
Righting the wrong mandates it.
It was not wrong or “corrupt” to protect troops from COVID. It says something sad about Reagan that he thinks ti was.