Joe Kovacs served up another reminder the WorldNetDaily cares more about promoting conspiracy theories than reporting news in a March 18 article:
Former U.S. President Barack Obama was caught on camera Monday entering and exiting 10 Downing Street in London, the home of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, sparking questions and theories about the reason for his unannounced visit.
“Why is Obama having private meetings with world leaders?” asked American political activist Laura Loomer.
Loomer later added: “Glad it has now been confirmed that Obama is running the country. Guess Biden was too sick today to make the trip to the UK. His body is shutting down. It’s only a matter of time now.”
Kovacs refused to tell his readers that Loomer is a far-right conspiracy theorist and Islamophobe who cannot be treated as someone credible. Instead, he copied-and-pasted anonymous comments furthering the conspiracy theory:
Reaction to the video includes:
“He no longer trusts Joe Biden … He is handling it himself.”
“Because Obama has never stopped being POTUS. We know he’s pulling the strings with Biden.”
“He has been betraying America like this since Trump was first inaugurated. In fact, we should look upon foreign leaders who took these secret meetings with him as enemies.”
“Lol you really have to ask? The real question is, why are they letting us know it’s happening?”
“Well, if he’s attempting to conduct foreign policy on his own, that would be a violation of the Logan Act, which Mike Flynn was unfairly prosecuted for. Presumably, he’s not doing that. Which means he’s speaking for the government. Then you have to ask, why doesn’t President Biden trust our ambassador to Great Britain to do their job properly? Bottom line, something is screwy somewhere.”
“They have to discuss his 4th term.”
“Yes, I love how people act like this is normal. It’s not.”
“Needs to pick up a certified copy of his forged birth certificate from MI6.”
Kovacs offered no reason why these anonymous haters should be treated as someone who should be listened to. Nor did he mention his employer’s history of Obama derangement, which includes false conspiracy theories about his birth certificate that it has never corrected or apologized for pushing.
Kovacs is one of the few remaining employees WND has. The fact that he is lazily repeating conspiracy theories peddled by untrustworthy people based solely on his employer’s deranged hatred of Obama — as opposed to actual facts — suggests he may not be employable anywhere else.