Despite the fact that it has heartily embraced the “Let’s Go Brandon” smear of President Biden (and, of course, Joe Rogan calling Brian Stelter a “motherfucker” among other things), the Media Research Center still insists on pitching a fit whenever a non-conservative says uncouth things — witness its lengthy freakout over President Biden (not inaccurately) calling Fox News reporter Peter Doocy a “stupid son of a bitch.” The hypocrisy continued in a Feb. 12 post by Mark Finkelstein:
Talk about having a potty mouth!
With Joe Scarborough leading the [dis]charge, the Morning Joe crew mentioned “toilets” 14 times in its opening minutes Friday. The liberal media never stop bombing the former president with whatever sordid details it can glean from Trump insiders.
We’ve talked before about Scarborough getting on his hobbyhorse and riding a favorite phrase into the ground. But this morning, it’s more apt to describe Scarborough mounting his . . . commode.
Morning Joe was, of course, making the most of New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman’s report, in an excerpt from her coming book about Trump, that the former president flushed documents down the White House toilets, at times clogging them.
Finkelstein wasn’t concerned that Trump was potentially breaking the law by destroying documents — no, the only thing he was concerned about was Scarborough saying the word “toilet.”
In a Feb. 21 post, Tim Graham complained that “Snarky British leftist comedian John Oliver” used his show to debunk right-wing panic about critical race theory, part ov whic “included high-school-Harry mockery of conservatives like Ted Cruz.” He then attached a tweet of his manufacturing outrage over the vulgarity:
HBO news-jester John Oliver breaks out his Dr. Seuss hate poetry again on Ted Cruz, but he breaks out of poetic meter at the end to call Cruz an “f–king knob.”
But Ok, liberals, tell us you’re the kind, and civil, and compassionate ones who debate intelligently.
Graham still wasn’t done complaining, devoting his Feb. 21 podcast to the subject:
It’s amazing that the Left thinks their most effective messengers are comedians. But John Oliver’s latest rant against Ted Cruz, complete with profane poetry borrowing a page from Dr. Seuss, shows comedians are better at angrily emoting than they are at enlightening.
On Sunday, he ended the poem by calling Cruz a “f–king knob.” In 2019, his first poem asked Cruz to “suck my balls.” Is that racist? Is it sexual harassment? Left-wing media outlets love Oliver’s attempts to “own the conservatives.”
Reminder: Graham is the executive editor of NewsBusters, and he tacitly, if not actually, signed off on the post cheering Rogan’s “motherfucker” insult. Does he think Rogan was trying to enlighten his audience with that insult, or was he angrily emoting? Why is angry, foul-mouthed emoting tolerated at the MRC when it comes from the mouth of Joe Rogan and not from John Oliver? And Graham clearly loves Rogan’s vulgar own-the-libs tirade; otherwise, that post would have silently disappeared by now.
The MRC’s double standard on prudery and naughty words isn’t as sustainable as Graham and crew seem to think it is.