— particularly managing editor Michael W. Chapman — just loves the pro-Trump right-wing rabbis who call themselves the Coalition for Jewish Values, even when they’re doing nonsensical things like defending Tucker Carlson’s racist “replacement theory” and bashing the Anti-Defamation League for not being Jewish enough. Both of those attacks were renewed — with the additional feature of portraying George Soros as a Jew right-wingers are allowed to hate — in a Jan. 28 article by Chapman:
The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which represents more than 2,000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in matters of American public policy, sharply criticized the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today for attempting to smear Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson as a peddler of antisemitism.
The ADL described Carlson’s new documentary on left-wing billionaire George Soros, Hungary vs. Soros: The Fight for Civilization, as a “dangerous antisemitic dog whistle.”
“It is disappointing that the ADL has doubled down on what we called ‘grossly misplaced charges of antisemitism’ last spring, aimed once again at a favorite target,” said CJV Southern Regional Vice President Rabbi Moshe B. Parnes in a statement. “The ADL has a pattern of saying that Carlson is using ‘dog whistles’ when he expresses political viewpoints with which they disagree.”
In reference to the documentary, The Daily Beast wrote, “Carlson echoed antisemitic tropes that Jewish people wish to upend Western civilization, claiming Soros’ goal was ‘destruction aimed at the West’ and aims to make society ‘more dangerous [and] dirtier.'”
[…]In the documentary, Carlson documents many of the left-wing organizations and policies that Soros’ foundations fund. Carlson also interviews Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a conservative, who states that Soros is “the condensed symbol of everything the Hungarian right hates.”
Actually, Orban is much more than a “conservative”; as we documented when CNS’ parent, the Media Research Center, bizarrely embraced him as a hero of “free speech” for wanting to control social media, he’s a right-wing authoritarian leader who suppresses dissent and free speech, and his portrayal of Soros as an enemy of the Hungarian people is a part of that.
While Chapman doesn’t quote anyone from the CJV criticizing Soros, he made sure to denigrate Soros’ heritage on his own: “George Soros, 91, was born into a non-observant Jewish family in Budapest, Hungary. In interviews, Soros has said he does not believe in God. Soros has a reported net worth of $8.6 billion.”Chapman also referenced a MRC “special report” attacking Soros, though he didn’t mention his employers bad habit of using anti-Semitic tropes to bash Soros.
Chapman then rehashed the CJV’s defense of Carlson for pushing the “replacement theory” conspiracy that Democrats are conspiring to replace American voters with, in Carlson’s words, “more obedient voters from the Third World,” and quoted a CJV official as saying this is “exactly, precisely what the Biden-Pelosi-Schumer Democrats now are endeavoring to do.”
A Feb. 2 article — this one anonymously written — featured the CJV lashing out at Amnesty International as anti-Semitic for criticizing Israel’s treatment of Palestinians:
The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which represents more than 2,000 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in matters of American public policy, denounced a new Amnesty International report that paints Israel as an apartheid state, and charged the organization with being an “antisemitic hate group.”
[…]In a statement, Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values, said, “The Amnesty International report, which we have seen and examined, is openly antisemitic. No one should pretend it is about a political dispute when it is rife with hatred against individual Jews.
Neither the CJV nor the anonymous CNS writer explain how criticizing how Israel treats its neighbors is inherently and reflexively “anti-Semitic.”