has long believed that right-wing insults of people who aren’t conservative is “news” — despite the fact that there’s no legitimate journalism school that would teach this. Which brings us to a Jan. 13 article by Craig Bannister:
“I’m looking at you Jon Tester: flattop doesn’t make you any conservative,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) says in a video stressing the importance of senators, even Democrats like Jon Tester, voting against Democrats’ efforts to pass a voting reform bill that would federalize elections and strip states of the ability to ensure voter integrity.
Rep. Roy spoke out Thursday after House Democrats passed, along party lines, their voting reform bill, which now goes to the Senate, where Democrats are threating to eliminate the long-standing filibuster rule in order to pass it, despite holding only 50 of the Chamber’s 100 seats:
[…]In his video, Rep. Roy expressed gratitude to the Democrat senators who have said they will vote against eliminating the filibuster – but, he also called out Montana Democrat Senator Jon Tester, saying that merely sporting a conservative haircut (a flattop) does not actually make him one:
“I’m glad that there’s some question over in the Senate. And it seems to be that Senator Manchin (D-WV), Sinema (D-AZ) and others may hold the line on the filibuster.
“But, let’s be clear to West Virginians, Arizonans, Montanans – I’m looking at you Jon Tester: flattop doesn’t make you any conservative – but, this vote is actually about the integrity and the ability of Montana, Arizona, West Virginia and every state in the Union to make decisions about elections.
Yes, Bannister thinks a Republican mocking a Democrat’s looks is “news.” Makes you wonder where he learned his ideas about journalism.