When Colin Flaherty died last month, WorldNetDaily was silent about it, even though he did his most prominent work there. He was the guy who wrote for WND between 2012 and 2014 about his obsession with “black mob violence” — even when those mobs involved no actual black people — and published an edition of his race-baiting book “White Girl Bleed A Lot.” It was bad enough that Google threatened in 2014 to pull the plug on its ad services to WND because of all the race-baiting; WND eventually capitulated and agreed not to serve Google ads on its race-baiting pages, and Flaherty left WND shortly thereafter.
But you know who did more Flaherty’s death? The white nationalists at VDARE, offering no fewer than five tributes. Lead white nationalist Peter Brimelow mourned him this way: “Colin, like me, was once a Contender in the Corporate Media, from which he was progressively extruded because he refused to Get The Memo that he wasn’t supposed to discuss a forbidden topic—in his case, black crime.” Actually, if WND thinks you’re too race-baity, you were never a contender.
John Tremain, meanwhile, highlighted how “Future PC Enforcers seeking to sanitize the past for the Ministry of Truth will have their work cut out for them trying to erase Colin’s massive content footprint. He leaves behind thousands of hours of videos, podcasts, and interviews, countless articles on rogue sites like American Thinker, VDARE.com, and American Renaissance” — thus showing the bigoted crowd with which Flaherty ran. Tremain also claimed that Flaherty had been “befriended by many black conservatives,” among them Jesse Lee Peterson, who uses his black-conservative privilege to sound like a white supremacist.
Speaking of American Renaissance, Jared Taylor also served up a tribute that mostly stuck to recounting his life story (though he did link to a piece we wrote in complaining that “Huffington Post, of course, called his reporting ‘race-baiting’). Another fun racist friend, John Derbyshire, touted in his Jan. 14 podcast how “At one of my encounters with the late Colin Flaherty I impressed him by knowing the Irish spelling of his name.”
Finally, a coward writing under the pseudonym “A Southerner” served up a more gushy tribute, serving up revisionist history at one point by claiming that Flaherty “told me that in 2014, Google even threatened to demonetize WND if all ads weren’t removed from Colin’s pieces, because they drove so much traffic.” The writer concluded:
My friend Colin Flaherty made a difference.
Our cities can be rebuilt. Statues to those who came before us can be recast.
Heroes who, in dark times, defended what was undefendable, can be celebrated.
But it’s only because those who lived bravely and without fear dedicated their lives to truth, in a time of universal deceit, that what once was can be again.
Colin Flaherty risked everything. And he made a difference.
Rest in peace, Big Man.
It’s telling of the person Flaherty actually was that this coward feels he must hide behind a fake name on a white nationalist website to pay tribute.