WorldNetDaily has long promoted wild claims about coronavirus and it vaccines by rogue doctor Peter McCullough, and it irresponsibly continues to do so. An anonymous WND writer stated in a Sept. 27 article:
Dr. Peter McCullough, who has become a leading critic of the experimental COVID-19 vaccines, explained in a thorough, nearly 90-minute presentation why he believes the vaccines should be pulled from the market.
As both a researcher and a practicing physician, McCullough has come to the conclusion that most deaths attributed to COVID-19 could be prevented with early treatments that have been suppressed by policymakers.
In a slide for his Aug. 20 presentation – which can be viewed below – he argued the “COVID-19 genetic vaccines have an unfavorable safety profile and are not clinically effective, thus they cannot be generally supported in clinical practice at this time.”
McCullough, the editor-in-chief of two medical journals, is a practicing internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and professor of medicine at the Baylor University School of Medicine in Dallas.
In fact, not only is McCullough no longer affiliated with Baylor — his history of dubious COVID claims caused the school to fire him — the school has gotten a restraining order against McCullough to get him to stop claiming that he is. McCullough’s alarmist claims about COVID vaccines have been repeatedly discredited, so there’s no reason to trust him on this.
Nevertheless, Art Moore featured McCullough again in an Oct. 7 article:
Warning that the world is “in the middle of a major biological catastrophe,” renowned physician and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough charged in a recent address that fraudulent public health officials are pushing experimental “gene-transfer” COVID-19 vaccines that produce the “loaded weapon” of a toxic spike protein.
“I think the reason why everybody’s here is we have a sense that something very bad is going on in the world. And I’m here to tell you, I think it is,” he said Sept. 24 in a keynote address at the annual fundraiser of the non-profit Michigan for Vaccine Choice, LifeSiteNews reported.
“If you feel tension right now and you feel some emotional distress, and if you feel as if things aren’t going right … I think your perceptions are correct,” McCullough said.
“And if your perceptions are correct, now’s the time for action.”
Moore gave McCullough space to whine about losing jobs in the medical field for spreading misinformation (admitting unlike his anonymous counterpart that McCullough has indeed been fired from Baylor) and frame him as an innocent victim:
Baylor University Medical Center fired him in February. And Texas A&M College of Medicine, Texas Christian University and University of North Texas Health Science Center School of Medicine have cut ties with McCullough, accusing him of spreading misinformation.
“I’ve been stripped of every title that I’ve ever had in that institution. I’ve received a threat letter from the American College of Physicians, [and] a threat letter from the American Board,” he said.
All because of his “lawful” participation “in a topic of public importance.”
“What we are doing is lawful,” he said.
He predicted the eight professional acronyms behind his name “will be progressively erased.”
It will happen “because there’s powerful forces at work, far more powerful than we can possibly think of, that are influencing anybody who is in a position of authority.”
But Moore doesn’t detail the accusations of misinformation against McCullough, which makes him a lazy stenographer, not a reporter.A real reporter would have informed readers about the facts regarding McCullough’s dangerous claims. Instead, Moore is McCullough’s handmaid in spreading disinformation.
Remember: WND thinks you should pay for the privilege of being lied to.