We’ve documented how CNSNews.com — led by managing editor Michael W. Chapman — has embraced the right-wing, pro-Trump Coalition for Jewish Values as a reliable source of right-wing attacks on CNS’ political enemies. Chapman has continued to promote the group’s political attacks.
A particular target of the group is the group of Democratic lawmakers known as “The Squad,” and Rep. Ilhan Omar in particular, and Chapman is all too happy to serve as the group’s PR agent. Chapman dutifully wrote in a June 3 article:
The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which represents 1,500-plus traditional rabbis in American public policy, denounced “The Squad” for its “hateful rhetoric” against Jews and Israel, stressing that the “hateful bias shared both by The Squad and at ‘pro-Palestinian’ demonstrations … now motivates violent attacks against Jews in American cities.”
[…]“Hateful rhetoric against Jews has increased since the ‘The Squad’—Reps. Ilhan Omar (MN), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Ayanna Pressley (MA), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY) first arrived in Congress in 2019,” said CJV Western Regional Vice President Rabbi Dov Fischer in a statement.
“What we see now is a Republican leadership anxious to condemn statements that lack sensitivity, while their Democratic counterparts are giving blatant hatred a pass,” said Rabbi Fischer.
Fisher did not provide any evidence of any anti-Jewish attack that could be directly linked to any memver of “The Squad” or any thing they said, and Chapman was too locked in stenography mode to ask for any.
A June 15 article by Chapman hyped Republican attacks on Omar as a “radical anti-Semite,” adding, “In February 2021, the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), which represents more than 1,500 orthodox, traditional rabbis, denounced Omar’s appointment as vice chair of the Africa, Global Health, and Global Human Rights subcommittee within the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs. That was followed by a June 23 article by Elizabeth Nieshalla hyping how “Some 200 rabbis from the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) sent a letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week, calling for the removal of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee.” Nieshalla quoted the coalition claiming that “Jews are being attacked day and night on American streets by mobs incited by Rep. Omar’s rhetoric,” but no evidence was offered of any direct incitement. An Aug. 11 article by Chapman repeated the unsupported claim — ironically, in an article complaining that Omar’s spokesman pointed out that pro-Israel activists’ attacks on Omar were endangering her life.
A Sept. 23 article by Chapman enthusiastically promoted the CJV’s vicious attack on the members of Congress, quite literally calling them Nazis:
Democratic members of “The Squad” reportedly lobbied behind the scenes on Tuesday to kill $1 billion in renewed funding for Israel’s Iron Dome interceptors, a step that could only be supported by “those who want more Jews to die,” said Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV).
“Less than a century ago, these people called themselves #Nazis; today they are called ‘The Squad,'” tweeted Rabbi Menken on Sept. 22.
Last year, CNS made a big deal of promoting complaints that some likened Donald trump to Nazis; Chapman didn’t explain why the CNS collective mind changed on going Godwin.
Chapman then offered his own biased definition of the group: “‘The Squad’ is composed of radical, left-wing Democrats, who support socialist policies and are often critical of Israel, sometimes spewing anti-Jewish remarks.” Of course, Chapman and the CJV are simpatico in wanting people to believe that any criticism of Israel is “anti-Jewish” and make no clear distinction between the two.
We’ve already noted that Chapman called on the CJV to trash Colorado Gov. Jared Polis after he got “married” (his scare quotes, not ours) to his gay partner.