Notoriously homophobic managing editor Michael W. Chapman has found some more people who share his hatred for LGBT people — and they’re in Africa. So Chapman is writing all about them. He cheered an act of censorship in an Oct. 1 article:
A documentary film entitled I Am Samuel was banned from being shown or distributed in Kenya because it promotes “same-sex marriage as an acceptable way of life,” which is in violation of Kenyan laws against homosexuality.
I Am Samuel is a clear and deliberate attempt by the producer to promote same-sex marriage as an acceptable way of life,” said Christopher Wambua, chief executive officer of the Kenya Film Classification Board in a Sept. 23 statement.
“This attempt is evident through the repeated confessions by the gay couple that what they feel for each other is normal and should be embraced as a way of life,” reads the statement. “The documentary ultimately features marriage of two men, and concludes with the dedication of the family to the gay community.”
A description of the film reads, “Samuel, a gay Kenyan man, balances duty to his family with his love for his partner, Alex, in a country where their love is criminalized.”
By deliberately advocating gay marriage in Kenya, “the film blatantly violates Article 165 of the Penal Code that outlaws homosexuality,” said Wambua, and the rules of the Films and Stage Plays Act of Kenya.
Sexual acts between men constitute a felony in Kenya, punishable by up to five years in prison. In addition, gay marriage is prohibited, as is the adoption of children by homosexual couples.
Unsurprisingly, Chapman offered no dissenting views to the country’s act of censorship. His endorsement of censorship would seem to run counter to the the agenda of his employer, the Media Research Center, which insists that conservatives are victims of “censorship” on social media.
In an Oct. 28 article, Chapman seems quite jazzed at the possibility of a different African country jailing people for not being heterosexual:
The Republic of Ghana in West Africa is considering legislation that would strongly punish homosexuality, including prison terms of up to 10 years for people who identify as LGBT, penalties for people who defend them, and prohibitions against the publication of pro-homosexual materials. The legislation is likely to become law, according to various media reports.
Ghana’s population is about 77% Christian (Protestant and Catholic) and 16% Muslim. The country already has anti-homosexuality laws on the books from when the British ruled there, but those laws reportedly are rarely enforced.
Sam George, a member of Ghana’s parliament who proposed the new legislation, said he was motivated in part to counter the increasing “advocacy” and “propaganda” being peddled by Ghana’s LGBT activists.
“We are just bringing our laws up to speed to ensure that so long as our national position has not changed and still homosexuality is an illegality, let’s make the laws reflective of that,” told Deutsche Welle(
Surprisingly, Chapman did mention criticism of the move by human rights groups, but then tried to justify depriving people of their human rights by citing religion and polls of residents:
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.” They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.”
Many conservative Protestant and charismatic churches, as well as Islam, hold essentially the same view as the Catholic Church on homosexuality: It is contrary to God’s design and will.
A 2016-2018 survey by Afrobarometer asked Ghanians about acceptance of homosexuals as neighbors: 92.54% said they would “not tolerate” it and only 7.17% said they would.
A 2013 survey showed that 96% of Ghanians said society should not accept homosexuality.
Chapman didn’t explain why popular opinion or religious views should take precedence over someone’s human rights.