You know there’s cleanup that needs to be done when WorldNetDaily starts an article touting the supposed credentials of the person they’re promoting. And that’s how Bob Unruh started a Sept. 4 article:
A recognized expert in civil liberties, Harvey Silverglate, who, among other accomplishments, co-founded the prominent Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, has issued a warning to the nation about the fallout from the war Joe Biden and Democrats are waging against President Donald Trump.
Unruh didn’t mention that FIRE mostly cares about “Individual Rights and Expression” only when they involve right-wingers like Silverglate. Unruh then shifted to repeating tired, discredited talking points about Trump:
Those leftists, of course, have orchestrated, so far, four criminal cases against Trump. They have turned misdemeanor business record keeping offenses into felonies. They have determined the First Amendment didn’t protect Trump’s comments about the 2020 election. They have said he turned criminal by keeping documents from his presidency, even though Mike Pence and Joe Biden, in their posts as vice president, are facing no charges for doing the same thing. And they are making telephone calls and holding meetings illegal in their “conspiracy” case in Georgia.
These events all follow the conspiracy theory created by Hillary Clinton and others in the 2016 election that falsely claimed Trump campaign links to Russia. Then there were the multiple attempts by Nancy Pelosi to impeach Trump and remove him from office, based on no evidence.
It wasn’t a “conspiracy theory” that the 2016 Trump campaign met dozens of times with Russian operatives, or that then-campaign manager Paul Manafort gave internal polling data to another Russian operative. And as we’ve already noted, Unruh is lying by claiming that Trump is being prosecuted in Georgia for “making telephone calls and holding meetings.”
Unruh did effectively admit how far-right Silverglate is by noting that he “now is working in defense of John Eastman, a lawyer who has represented Trump,” then complained that “Georgia is targeting him with a criminal prosecution over his representation, and California is targeting him with a bar complaint.” Unruh then uncritically repeated Silverglate’s defense of Trump:
Silverglate said, of the Biden-run DOJ, “I am appalled that the Department of Justice — under a Democratic administration — appalled that they have done this to the leading Republican candidate for the presidency prior to the Republican National Convention. There is a statute of limitations that is quite lengthy and they could have waited. Common decency, common sense and propriety would have had them wait until after the nomination because if Trump got the nomination, then they should wait until after the election.”
He continued, “I consider that what the Department of Justice is doing here to be candidate suppression. That’s not their job. So the timing is appallingly bad judgment and I believe done in bad faith to keep him from being the Republican nominee for president.
“They realize Biden is a very weak candidate. If Biden had any common sense, he would have just said he was not running for a second term. That would have opened up the field to some excellent Democratic — younger Democratic candidates. So on top of everything else, this is an attempt to kind of fix the election for Biden. It is appalling in every single way.”
What Silverglate is effectively arguing, of course, that that Trump be held above the law and never feel the consequences for the crimes he appears to have committed, portraying that being a declared political candidate is insurance against having to face responsibility for his actions. He also offered no evidence to back up his assertion that Trump’s prosecutions are being orchestrated by Biden in order to kneecap a political opponent.
Unruh then returned to talking-point land, repeating his falsehood about the Georgia prosecution being about “making phone calls and holding meetings”:
A leftist Georgia prosecutor has created a case including 41 charges that Trump and 18 others allegedly conspired in a criminal enterprise when they had doubts about the election, and raised them while seeking answers. Their offenses included making phone calls and holding meetings.
Further, he confirmed that at that time, he had “lots of evidence of fraud” in the election.
Legacy media immediately added its opinion that, “there is no evidence of far-reaching election fraud in the 2020 election.”
However, what is known is that the election was under undue influence from the $400 million plus that Mark Zuckerberg handed out to election officials who often used it to recruit voters from Democrat districts.
Unruh is lying about the Zuckerberg money as well; we’ve also pointed out the truth (which Unruh doesn’t seem to be interested in) that money from a Zuckerberg-funded noprofit was made available to government election offices across the country to help them conduct the 2020 elections, affected by the COVID pandemic, but there is no evidence of political favoritism in how the money was distributed or spent. While some of that money was used by governments for get-out-the-vote efforts, it’s not illegal to encourage people to vote, despite what Unruh wants you to think.