Nicholas Fondacaro’s main job at the Media Research Center is to hate-watch “The View,” because he appears to have issues with women. How bad are these issues? Fondacaro devoted a whopping five year-end posts to “The View,” spewing his hate in each post. First up was a Dec. 26 post:
ABC’s The View is not known for rational and measured conversations, so for this retrospective of The View’s antics in 2023, you’re advised to get multiple rolls of tin foil! Throughout the year, the liberal ladies have floated all sorts of harebrained, truly bonkers, and rather laughable accusations and theories about everything from Republican ninjas planting drugs to presidential candidates using body doubles.
And what makes their insane accusations even worse is the fact that The View is under the ABC News umbrella.
Fondacaro was quick to peddle his longtime lie about co-host Sonny Hostin, calling her “staunchly racist and anti-Semitic.” As we have documented, Hostin is neither — even the evidence Fondacaro has provided to back up his smear shows only that Hostin talks about race (also, Fondacaro doesn’t understand how metaphors work) and has raised legitimate questions about Israel’s intensive bombing of Gaza in its war against Hamas, killing many civilians.
Fondacaro launched another attack the next day:
While most of the liberal ladies of ABC’s The View are up there in age (a fact they’re lash out at you for noticing), that doesn’t mean they’re not limber enough to tie themselves up into back-breaking contortions to help defend Democrats and push their policies.
Reality and sense were casualties as The View did their best to write off President Biden’s advanced age and mental slips ahead of an election year, downplay Hunter Biden’s crimes, and obfuscate the failure of liberal policies.
We don’t recall Fondacaro or anyone else at the MRC mock the back-breaking contortions regularly seen on Fox News to defend Republican policies. And, yes, he once again smeared Hostin as “staunchly racist and anti-Semitic” despite having no legitimate evidence to back it up.
The hate-filled Fondacaro unironically lashed out at “The View” hosts for alleged “hateful moments” in a Dec. 28 post:
If you find yourself on the same side as the cast members of ABC’s The View, they will bend over backwards to defend you (as NewsBusters’ 2023 retrospective showed). But if you find yourself opposing them, they will launch some of the most racist, bigoted, and hateful attacks on television against you. They will even support your death. And as tensions in America ratcheted up in 2023, so did their naked hatred.
Their contempt for Republicans, pro-lifers, and white people flared on air often. So it was difficult to narrow things down.
Fondacaro yet again smeared Hostin as “staunchly racist and anti-Semitic,” further claiming that she showed “racism against white people” by accurately pointing out that white people “continue to reap the benefits” of slavery. Fondacaro offered no evidence whatsoever that Hostin is incorrect.
He also trotted out the “anti-Semitic” smear in claiming that “Anti-Semitic Hostin Defends Calls for Jewish Genocide on College Campuses.” In fact, according to his writeup of the Dec. 7 show from which he lifted his smear, all she did is point out that offensive speech can be protected free speech — you know, the very same argument the MRC uses in dishonestly branding any attempt to counter lies and misinformation online as “censorship.” At no point did Hostin “defend calls for Jewish genocide” as Fondacaro claimed — another piece of evidence for the defamation lawsuit Hostin is surely assembling against Fondacaro.
Fondacaro had another hateful list to serve up in a Dec. 29 post:
They may work for the American Broadcasting Company (ABC) but that doesn’t mean the liberal ladies of The View show or have much love for America. Throughout the year, they’ve been slinging mud and badmouthing the country they call home, and it has allowed them to rake in millions of dollars while doing it.
And despite most of the cast being very wealthy multimillionaires who can go off and live anywhere in the world – and who claim America is worse than China – they never seem to want to do that. But they’re more than willing to sit around and whine about free speech, decry solid border protection, and reject fair judicial systems for their political opponents.
Of course, whining about free speech and fair judicial systems for their political opponents are things that the MRC does on a regular basis, but they would never claim that they “hate America.”
Fondacaro’s year-end meltdown concluded with a Jan. 1 post:
Despite being under the ABC News umbrella, the liberal ladies of The View left facts and truth out in the rain. Throughout 2023, WITHOUT EVIDENCE, the cast was busy cooking up outlandish lies about Republicans at all levels of government. And in most instances the record went uncorrected and cast members went unpunished by their network executives.
They accused Republicans of everything from cheating to win elections to rewriting history to literally killing kids (while they supported abortion), even cheered on other’s lies about the right. And as NewsBusters’ retrospective on the useless “conservatives” proved, there wasn’t much pushback on the lies. In fact, sometimes they’d happily join in spreading falsehoods and misinformation.
Fondacaro’s hypocrisy here is almost painful, given how his employer gave a pass to the lies about election fraud Fox News fed its viewers as exposed in the Dominion lawsuit, which Fox News had to pay $787 million to settle. If Fondacaro can’t be bothered to call out Fox News’ documented lies, he has no moral standard to criticize anyone else.
Oh, and Fondacaro falsely smeared Hostin as “staunchly racist and anti-Semitic” in those last two posts as well. Just more evidence for Hostin’s eventual defamation suit against him.
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