Now we’re seeing why Jerome Corsi can’t be bothered to exert much energy investigating the issue of Ted Cruz’s eligibility (other than the fact that Cruz is not his political enemy, like Barack Obama is): He’s suddenly concerned about Hillary Clinton’s health.
For the past week, Corsi has been obsessing over Clinton’s use of an anticoagulant called warfarin, also sold under the brand name Coumadin. In a Jan. 27 article, Corsi was concerned that warfarin “may have side effects that are hazardous to her health, according to medical literature.” Corsi displayed his medical ignorance by referring to the drug as “Coumadin – also called Warfarin.” Warfarin is not a brand name; it’s the generic name of the drug. Remember, Corsi is not a medical doctor; his Ph.D. is in history.
Indeed, most people take warfarin as a generic, as the Coumadin patent expired a couple decades ago. And despite Corsi’s suggestion that warfarin is some kind of secret nefarious drug, it’s popular; by one count, there are more than 25 million prescriptions written for it every year in the U.S., and by by another count, 2 million people taking it at any given time.
Corsi ratchets things up in a Jan. 31 article touting how “A California physician who had his license to practice medicine revoked in the state because he refused to administer the anticoagulant medication Coumadin, believes Hillary Clinton’s use of the drug could be more life-threatening to her than the possibility of a recurring blood clot.”
Corsi then rushed to defend his doctor, David K. Cundiff, over the 1998 incident that led to the revocation of his medical license, asserting that “Cundiff stopped administering Coumadin to the patient, who had an alcohol problem the doctor believed could trigger internal bleeding.” In fact, according to the California appeals court that upheld the denial of reinstatement of his license — after “accusations of gross negligence and incompetence were sustained against him” — Cundiff made the decision to stop treating the patient with warfarin unilaterially, failing to consult with other doctors, to alert the patient or his family, or to provide any alternative treatment. The court further noted that the standard of care for a patient with a blood clot in the vein in which the patient had one is anticoagulants. The court also noted that Cundiff failed to read the patient’s chart completely and relied entirely on verbal representations of his interns and residents for information vital to the patient’s care and treatment.
The court pointed out that since his license was revoked, “Cundiff appears to have devoted the vast majority of his professional efforts to research and writing aimed largely at establishing that his actions in 1998 were within the standard of care, or that the standard of care has changed since then (or must change). What he fails, and has repeatedly failed, to understand is that the only relevant medical standard at issue in these proceedings was that which was extant in February 1998.”
Then again, Corsi is a guy who relies on the incompetent and deceitful likes of Joel Gilbert, so it’s not surprising he’d take the word of a doctor stripped of his medical license.
Unencumbered by the facts, Corsi penned a third article on the subject on Feb. 1, in which he highlights the fact that “The blood-thinning medication Hillary Clinton has been taking for years under the pharmaceutical brand name Coumadin was initially introduced and marketed in 1948 as a pesticide designed to kill rats and mice.” Which may be true, but it’s irrelevant to the issue. In fact, the original headline on Corsi’s article, which remains in the artaicle’s URL, read “Doctor: HIllary taking rat poison for blood clots”; WND didn’t explain why it changed the headline.
But even Corsi had to concede that according to the guy who brought up the stuff about it starting as rat poison, “Despite the severe risks of taking Coumadin … it may be the better alternative for some patients.”
Corsi is not a doctor, and to our knowledge he has not talked with Clinton’s doctors. Heck, he doesn’t even know if Clinton is still taking warfarin. This is all fearmongering that’s part of WND’s anti-Hillary jihad. Remember, Corsi is a key component of this, which so far has generated an article falsely claiming that Hillary said she hates Israel (which WND quietly deleted after it apparently decided it had standards after all).
By the way, WND claims that “The Hillary Clinton Investigative Justice Project has reached its first threshold, having raised sufficient funds to continue its investigative series into the presidential candidate for illegal activities and to prepare a series of hard-hitting reports for WND that will lead to criminal charges being filed against her at the state level, if the Justice Department fails to indict her.”
Nowhere does WND state it’s interested in reporting the truth about Hillary — it’s trying to destroy her. It did the same thing to Barack Obama, and look how that turned out.