WorldNetDaily has a longstanding problem with the transparency of its partisan political crusades. We’ve previously pointed out how WND’s anti-Obama birther petitions contained no independent verification mechanism, making it difficult to determine how many actual people signed them — an issue when the signature counts could so easily be gamed.
It looks like WND will be using the same murky techniques for its newest political jihad. We’ve detailed how WND will become a full-fledged media arm of the Republican Party by conducting an anti-Hillary Clinton witch hunt masquerading as an “independent campaign,” and begging WND readers for money to help do it, even though such donations would be de facto Republican campaign contributions.
Now, WND is touting its purported fundraising success. A Dec. 25 WND article asserts that the campaign is “on fire,” in the words of WND editor Joseph Farah:
Since the campaign was launched recently, hundreds of Americans have donated to the cause, says Farah.
“It’s on fire,” he says. “I haven’t seen such enthusiasm since the campaign to dump John Boehner earlier this year. That campaign proved successful. I think this one will too.”
The proof Farah offers that “hundreds of Americans” have donated? None. The amount of money donated so far? Farah shows no indication he’ll disclose it. Any accounting of how donations are spent being provided to donors? WND has said only that it will give donors “regular insider updates on the progress of the campaign,” which is not the same as accounting for how the money is spent.
You’ll recall that WND’s last attempt to raise money for a political cause — a super PAC to benefit right-wing candidates — raised much of its (meager) funding from WND itself, and spent nearly all of that advisers and administrative expenses, with none spent on the candidates it was purportedly benefiting. And despite WND’s insistence that the money will come through “contributions from ordinary Americans,” no guarantee is provided regarding money from more-than-ordinary Americans — deep-pocketed right-wing activists who, like WND, want to destroy Hillary by any means necessary.
WND, after all, has explicitly admitted its intent is political, not journalistic — and, thus, subnject to Federal Election Commission regulations — by stating that one of the main goals of its witch hunt is to “prevent her from becoming the next president of the United States.” And it’s not like WND’s so-called journalism can be trusted anyway, given how it utterly shredded what little journalistic credibility it could plausibly claim it had by waging a (largely counterfactual) scorched-earth campaign against President Obama.
And WND’s campaign won’t even involve much actual reporting. WND claims much of it will pay to “hire legal talent” and “private investigators.” Farah has stated his unsupported conclusion that “The Clinton Family Foundation is effectively a criminal, money-laundering operation principally established to enrich the founders with political payoff money, including millions from foreign donors,”and his witch hunt will apparently trying to back-prove that. If he doesn’t have that evidence, what business does he have to make that claim in the first place?
In other words, WND’s Hillary-bashing goal will be death by frivolous lawsuits, not by reporting facts.
In other words, WND won’t rely on its own reporting. Pretty sad for a self-proclaimed news organization, isn’t it? And all the more reason one should be wary about giving money to WND that will never be accounted for.