Earlier this year, David Kupelian set the tone for WorldNetDaily’s rabid, falsehood-laden anti-Obama jihad by endorsing John McCain. Kupelian is back, declaring in an Oct. 30 column that Barack Obama really is the Manchurian candidate:
Barack Obama was programmed for years by his atheist, Muslim father, by the communist sex pervert Frank Marshall Davis, by con man Tony Rezko, by domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and others – most of all by black liberation theology screamer Jeremiah Wright. Obama’s resume is largely manufactured. There is a total blackout on his college years. His campaign obscures what he did as a “community organizer.” All his radical associations are denied or minimized. His miserable legislative record (voting “present” over 100 times to avoid taking a stand), his lack of achievement, his radical views and so on – all have been laundered through the magic of public relations into the near-sacred saga of “The One” who has been sent to serve, and to save, America.
[…]America has a choice Tuesday between a genuine war hero and a genuine Manchurian candidate.
The funny thing is, just a few years back, WND was promoting the idea that McCain was the Manchurian candidate.
An August 2001 WND column by Samuel Blumenfeld bashed “Republican liberal” McCain for contemplating an mavericky “Bull Moose” approach that would harm the Republican Party. Noting McCain’s “sudden metamorphosis from conservative to liberal,” Blumenfeld stated that “It is highly probable that McCain learned at least as much about the Marxist class struggle while undergoing forced communist indoctrination during his five years at Hanoi as any American student learns at a liberal state university.” After citing a Camille Paglia column suggesting that McCain might be a Manchurian candidate, Blumenfeld writes:
The implication is that McCain subliminally absorbed communist doctrine as a result of his five-year captivity. If that is the case, then he ought to subject himself to deprogramming. The strength and vehemence of his liberal convictions, the fact that he considers himself to be a war criminal, would indicate that he very profoundly absorbed the communist critique of the American system. Is it possible that the communists have perfected a time-release form of indoctrination? That would account for the sudden switch in ideology at a very crucial period – a campaign for the presidency. Leaving speculation aside, however, we don’t need conjecture to face this hard fact: The last thing America needs in the White House is a self-admitted war criminal.
As we’ve documented, virtually all criticism of McCain on WND’s news pages disappeared when McCain became the de facto Republican nominee back in February. Thus, you won’t see Kupelian referencing a column by Jack Wheeler WND published before McCain clinched the Republican nomination, in which he called McCain “psychologically unstable” and a “nutcase wack job,” then asserted that McCain “collaborat[ed] with his Communist captors” while a POW — not even to denounce it. Nor will Kupelian reference Blumenfeld’s column calling McCain the Manchurian candidate.
Why? Probably because he hates Obama too much to remind their readers that he, despite all his blather about McCain being a “genuine war hero,” secretly hates McCain too.