In a Jan. 31 NewsBusters post touting Bernard Goldberg’s new anti-liberal, anti-Obama book “A Slobbering Love Affair,” Rich Noyes includes a lengthy excerpt from the book — one that contains a misleading claim.
As Media Matters points out, in the section of the book Noyes excerpted, Goldberg made a big deal that CBS’ “The Early Show” aired a segment on “Five Things You Should Know About Barack Obama,” but he failed to note that five days later, the show aired a segment listing “Five Things You Should Know” about John McCain.
Noyes fails to note Goldberg’s misleading claim, perhaps too enraptured in how “fun” the book is. Indeed, Noyes revels in Goldberg’s statement that “you can’t make this crap up” while ignoring the fact that Goldberg did actually make up some of that crap. As Media Matters also details, Goldberg included a doctored conversation between Charlie Rose and Tom Brokaw that falsely portrays them asserting that “there’s a lot about him [Obama] we don’t know.”