One of the most troubling questions about our very near future as Americans is whether our state or the federal government will mandate a COVID-19 vaccine – either by a clear government dictate like the lockdown policies or by coercive measures in cooperation with leftist-controlled private companies to make refusal to “voluntarily” vaccinate so onerous as to force compliance.
The prospect is all the more troubling given what we already know about vaccine puppet-master Bill Gates’ Malthusian agenda and its vaccine-based biometric tagging of human beings for tracking purposes (though there is no indication so far that this would include a microchip), the well-established greed and untrustworthiness of “Big Pharma,” the reports of fetal remains being used in the vaccine creation process and perhaps in the vaccines themselves, the emerging dystopian “Great Reset” plans of the global elites, and the horror stories of proven COVID-19 side-effects from the initial human trials.
Compounding our anxieties in this matter is the massive cover-up of data on COVID-19 death rates, the truth of which (were it known by the general public) would largely neutralize the fear-based motivation and justification for the vaccine. One need only consider that even the highest-risk category of Americans (those over 70 years old) have a 99.5% survival rate and that the total death rate of the nation (from all causes) in 2020 is statistically no higher than prior years.
This disease is not only not a modern version of the bubonic plague, but is far, far less lethal for children and young people than the flu. And in terms of overall public health, it has done virtually nothing but shift the body counts of dead people from, for example, the heart disease and pneumonia columns to the COVID-19 column in the data-reporting process. And, increasingly, to the suicide column, now inflated due to incessant soul-draining media fear-mongering to emotionally vulnerable lockdown victims.
Trump has pledged not to mandate the vaccine, but you can assume Biden will, regardless of what he says now, if the ongoing coup d’etat of the Purple Revolution steals the presidency for him.
I am not opposed to vaccines, per se, but as a Christian and a constitutionalist I am strongly opposed to government health mandates of any kind that purport to supersede my sovereign right under God to the control of my own body. It is my choice whether to seek or accept any health remedy or procedure regardless of the opinion of government officials.
[…]More importantly, personal bodily sovereignty is a core biblical tenet, and, therefore, as a Christian attorney and the founding pastor of First Century Bible Church, I have drafted a policy against vaccine mandates and posted it on our church website as our official doctrine.
— Scott Lively, Dec. 4 WorldNetDaily column