Michelle Malkin has been moving steadily to the right-wing, white nationalist fringe as CNSNews.com continues to publish her column and promote her stunts. Her Aug. 26 column, published by CNS, was a screed against Black Lives Matter fitting for her white nationalist leanings. She eventually reached back to attack previous cases of black people getting attacked:
The Trayvon Martin hoax, as exposed by investigative documentarian Joel Gilbert, was built on an astonishing key prosecution witness switch-a-roo involving Martin’s real girlfriend, Brittany Diamond Eugene (who was on the phone with Martin before he assaulted George Zimmerman) and a ridiculous impostor, Rachael Jeantel, who was barely literate and apparently manipulated into coached testimony by none other than Benjamin Crump.
As we’ve documented, Gilbert is best known for pushing the flagrantly false smear that Barack Obama’s mother posed nude for Frank Marshall Davis, spread another flagrantly false claim about a ring that Obama wears, and who likes to make so-called documentaries that get mysteriously reclassified as “mockumentaries” years after the fact.
Gilbert’s partner on the “Trayvon Hoax” film is WorldNetDaily columnist Jack Cashill, who published a book-length hit job on Trayvon Martin and is best known for peddling numerous conspiracy theories that tend to blow up spectacularly (i.e., portraying murderer James Kopp and Olympic bomber Eric Rudolph as innocent victims).
There is absolutely no reason to take at face value anything put out by Gilbert and Cashill. The fact that Malkin is doing so tells you just how far around the bend she’s gone.