I am going to make an analogy, and I want to preface it with an iron bound disclaimer: I am in no way and am absolutely not intending to compare the people in my analogy, only the situation. In other words, I would absolutely never compare Donald Trump or any other human ever born with Jesus Christ, but the basic situations that happened two thousand years apart are, in a secular frame of thought, very similar.
The Pharisees of Jesus’ day were the absolute authorities on interpreting the written word of the prophets and had the power to excommunicate anyone they wished, in a body known as the Sanhedrin. They held power over doctrine and custom and relished their exalted place in religious society.
They loved being deferred to, given the best seats in the synagogue, the highest places of honor at social functions and being shown signs of respect on the streets and in the market places.
They kept the Jewish laws and commandments to the Nth degree, tithing even the herbs in their gardens, but they figured out a way to game the system.
If the law didn’t specifically state that you should not evict widows and orphans from their homes or some other evil, profit-making scheme, they did it all under the veil of being the most righteous men in the nation.
When Jesus came along, healing the sick and raising the dead and preaching a salvation of laws written on the conscience instead of laws written on parchment, which could be circumvented, He threatened their high standing, their lives of luxury and power.
They even made the statement that if something wasn’t done about this charismatic young Galilean, they could lose their place.
Jesus was an outsider, a Jew, but the bearer of a New Covenant, exposing lies and fallacies and shining a light in the dark places of corruption and deceit.
Now, put aside the deity and do not accuse me of the blasphemy of comparing a sinful human with the sinless Son of the Living God, because that is NOT my intention. But for a minute, stop and think of the establishment politicians as Pharisees, who, regardless of what party is in power – and they are nearly interchangeable, by the way – have had their way in this country for a century or more.
All of a sudden, as unexpectedly as a July snow, a brash outsider, who minces no words, takes no prisoners and calls ’em like he sees ’em, status be damned, is elected to the highest office in the free world, and he releases a swarm of flies into their ointment, disrespecting their traditions, and calls not only theirs, but the media’s bluff, without fear of retaliation.
— Charlie Daniels, May 8 CNSNews.com column