The original goal of the LGBT movement in the 1950s was tolerance, what Dale Jennings of the Mattachine Society called “The right to be left alone.”
But exactly 50 years ago, in the Stonewall riots, homofascism was born – when the movement set its sights on replacing family-centered society with sexual anarchy. Activists’ detailed agenda was published soon after as “The 1972 Gay Rights Platform,” and they launched a united national campaign for “sexual freedom” to be recognized as a constitutional right.
[…]Having fulfilled his globalist mission to establish “Gay Supremacy” in America, [Anthony] Kennedy recently retired from the court after (I strongly suspect) assuring that his legacy would be preserved by the nomination of his former clerk Brett Kavanaugh to fill his vacancy. (I sincerely hope I am wrong about Kavanaugh and will apologize profusely if in future cases he shows integrity in helping to reverse Kennedy’s errors.)
So here we stand in 2019, four years after Obergefell and the LGBTs instant pivot to “transgenderism” (and pedophilia), watching small children being deliberately infected with hyper-sexual transgender insanity to the applause of the entire leftist bloc, and Congress seriously debating the so-called Equality Act to criminalize Christianity in America.
Throughout this decades-long process, America has been pushed inexorably by the leftist elites through the five stages of homofascism until today celebration of all things LGBT is the norm, forced participation in “gay” culture is increasing rapidly, and punishment of dissenters is a virtual mandate of social justice in the minds of the millennials. God help us!
Can this process be reversed? I believe it can, but only if conservatives, including our presumed five-member majority on the Supreme Court, remember what it is that conservatism exists to conserve: the God-fearing, family-centered, constitutional republic our founders fought a bloody revolution to secure for us.
— Scott Lively, June 27 WorldNetDaily column