The Media Research Center loves to freak out over transgenders — as well as other LGBT-related things — and it’s having another of its continual fits of doing so.
A March 14 post by Jay Maxson won’t identify Texas high school wrestler Mack Beggs as transgender but, rather, as “a girl in Texas who struggles with gender identity,” and he laments that “Beggs never got any psychological attention for her gender confusion.” He concluded by asserting: “According to Dr. Paul McHugh, the former psychiatrist-in-chief for Johns Hopkins Hospital, transgenderism is a ‘mental disorder’ that can be treated, sex change is ‘biologically impossible’ and the people promoting sexual reassignment surgery are promoting a mental disorder.”
We’ve previously pointed out that McHugh’s bigoted views are seen as out of the medical mainstream and ignores the current state of research on transgender issues.
On March 15, Karen Townsend ranted that the TV show “The Fosters” “continues to shove teen abortion and LGBT sex education on America, this time pushing the issues even further when it comes to parental knowledge — or lack thereof.” She added, “Parents are legally entitled to know about their children’s education.”
Alex Nitzberg hopped over from Accuracy in Media to the MRC and debuted with a pair of anti-gay attacks on articles published at NBC News’ LGBT portal, NBC Out. On March 13, Nitzberg complained of an article noting the vulernability of transgender students: “On that topic, what about the vulnerability and innocence of other students? All students should be protected from abuse, including those who identify as transgender, but their protection does not necessitate the normalization or accommodation of their lifestyle choice.”
On March 17, Nitzberg ranted about another NBC Out article on transgender bathroom use:
The most “gender-appropriate” facility for biological boys, regardless of their self-declared gender-identity, is the men’s facility—and for biological girls, the women’s facility represents the most “gender-appropriate” option. The fact that this issue has degenerated into a societal debate illustrates the cultural chasm that has developed as the radical left and the media work to aggressively advance the revolution to redefine gender.
[…]Liberals and the media inaccurately portray the LGBT agenda as a “civil rights” issue. But LGBT identities are behaviors, not immutable, inborn physical characteristics like skin color. In practice, LGBT “non-discrimination laws” would likely penalize social conservatives who fail to comply with the LGBT lobby’s radical demands for societal transformation.
Sarah Stites, meanwhile, huffed that singer Kary Perry was given an award by the Human Rights Campaign, where she “spent ten minutes criticizing her Christian upbringing while championing ‘sexual fluidity.’ And, predictably, the feminist media loved it.” But curiously, Stites omitted the part where Perry said that as a teenager she “prayed the gay away at my Jesus camps” during her “unconscious adolescence,” which utterly failed until she met people outside her “bubble.”
Stites returned to serve up another freakout over a transgender couple on the wedding-dress show “Say Yes to the Dress.” grumbling about “liberal media, fashion and Hollywood’s focused attempt to mainstream transgender and gender fluid content.”
And Stites wasn’t done, for even people who want no gender at all offend her as well:
Clothing. Makeup. Emojis. And now legal status?
The genderless movement is firing ahead, fast and furious, while those who cleave to traditional views are considered anachronistic at best, and bigoted at worst.
In June 2016, Oregon Judge Amy Hehn granted legal gender “non-binary” status to Portland resident Jamie Shupe. But this month, Hehn went a step further, granting video game designer “Patch” the right to be genderless.
She concluded that post by asking, “Is there anything that will faze the left?” The better question: Is there any instance of non-heteronormative behavior that Stites and the rest of the MRC won’t throw a fit about?