WorldNetDaily’s Joseph Farah complains in his Feb. 13 column, quoting former Trump attorney John Dowd:
Dowd called the investigation “a terrible waste of time.”
Is that all there is?
“I know exactly what [Mueller] has,” Dowd said. “I know exactly what every witness said, what every document said. I know exactly what he asked. And I know what the conclusion or the result is. There’s no basis. There’s no exposure. It’s been a terrible waste of time.”
[…]I shouldn’t be disappointed or surprised, and I’m really not. This is indeed what I believed was the case all along. In fact, I suspect this investigation took so long only to ensure the guilty parties would never see justice. And unless our new attorney general re-litigates the entire issue, the special counsel investigation may end with a whimper.
Of course, that’s not really an end at all.
And that may be just what Democrats who control the House of Representatives need to keep the conspiracy theorizing and witch hunt going for another two years – right into the 2020 election.
Dowd called Mueller’s probe “one of the greatest frauds this country’s ever seen.”
I agree. To put it mildly, this was not Watergate.
Remember that Farah lives in his own little right-wing world where Trump can do no wrong. And we certainly do not recall Farah ever complaining about the length of the investigation into President Clinton headed at its peak by Ken Starr — which, by the way, lasted pretty much the entire length of his two-term presidency, and was originally about Whitewater, which then spread into other areas after nobody could find anything on him there.
If anything, Farah seems to think the Starr investigation should have gone on forever, or at least until he found something bigger to pin on him than lying about sex. Farah has ranted that “Kenneth Starr has been Bill Clinton’s political savior — time after time compromising his own investigation through ineptitude, the hiring of attorneys and investigators politically loyal to the president, and a systematic refusal to seriously probe the most egregious administration scandals.” Farah has also whined that Starr hired Brett Kavanaugh to cover up the alleged truth about the death of Vince Foster, that it was murder.
Farah’s whining continued:
This investigation punished people mostly for “crimes” that were not committed until the investigation caused them, prompted them, induced them. They weren’t really crimes at all in most cases. They were differences of interpretation. They were senior moments. They were mistakes caused by fatigue and relentless badgering. They were “process crimes.”
Actually, no. Lying under oath is a crime whether or not it was part of a “process,” and many of the alleged crimes for which Mueller has issued indictments were committed before his investigation started, meaning that Farah is lying when he claims Mueller “caused them, prompted them, induced them.”
Farah concluded by huffing: “Is that all you got, Robert Mueller? If that’s all you got, then just stop dancing.” Of course, Farah wanted Starr to keep dancing until he could manufacture something.