Joseph Farah’s Jan. 15 WorldNetDaily column asked readers to pray for WND because it faces “another challenging year.” After going on his usual attack against the “Digital Cartel” of “Google, Facebook, Amazon, apple, Twitter, et al” for monopolizing ad revenue, he then plays the victim, suggesting without evidence that those outlets targeted WND for loving President Trump too much:
Why did they do it beginning in January 2017? It was an effort to go after Trump by attacking media that were fair to him, to hinder his sweeping policy changes and deprive him of re-election in 2020, if they couldn’t see him impeached before that.
How did it affect us? In 2016, WND had over $10 million in revenues. In 2017, following the attacks on us, that number dropped to $6 million. BUT IN 2018, THAT NUMBER DROPPED TO AN ASTONISHING $2 MILLION!
Can you imagine what that would do to any company? Most of our staff is gone. We’re struggling to survive. But we are determined to do so, no matter how tough the challenge is.
Yet again, Farah does not address the elephant in the room: WND’s legacy of fake news and conspiracy theories that, at least as much as the ad-revenue that are affecting most online media outlets, drove WND to the brink of extinction. Indeed, while WND has spent the past year begging for money from readers to stay alive, it has continued to publish fake news — demonstrating it has learned nothing from its continuing near-death experience.
Farah then invoked God to kick off his spiel of begging for more money:
Almost every digital media company now relies on direct donations from its subscribers and visitors to make it in this new environment – where Google and Facebook and Amazon are raking in all the profits and deliberately starving those they don’t like.
I’m not just asking for your financial contributions, I’m asking for your fervent prayers. Because this is very much a SPIRITUAL WAR, not just a matter of corrupt, politically motivated crony monopoly capitalism at its worst.
We at WND serve a power higher than this cartel. And we ask for your prayers to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob through Jesus of Nazareth, the One and Only Mediator and the Coming King.
Will you do that for us starting today, if you have not already joined us in this effort?
Given WND’s history of playing fast and loose with facts, we suspect that Farah’s “higher power” is not happy that such shoddy work is meant to serve Him.
And Farah hypocritically adds as his first bullet point for support: “Pray for God to bless WND with financial support and the will and strength to continue to fight for truth in an age of fake news and lies.”
Farah should probably ask Clark Jones and Chobani yogurt what they think about WND’s so-called “fight for truth.”