The Duplicitous Despot and his criminal minions – most notably David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel, Anita Dunn, and Mark Lloyd – are out to shut down Fox News. No subtlety about it. They take seriously Mao’s belief that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. After all, Anita Bandita looks to Chairman Mao when it comes to her philosophical inspiration.
[…]When the reincarnation of Al Capone, David Axelrod, says of Fox that “It’s really not news – it’s pushing a point of view,” it would be laughable if the stakes weren’t so high. But as Tucker Carlson said, it’s outrageous for a liar like Axelrod to say that Fox News commentators aren’t being truthful.
It’s like the schoolyard bully claiming that it was really his victim who bullied him. The bullies at the Kremlin House in Washington, of course, are all too aware that Fox is really the only station that is actually reporting the news, while the fringe media (ABC, CBS and NBC), along with CNBC and MSNBC, are going to great lengths to keep their viewers in the dark about what is really happening – particularly in Washington.
[…]If I ever believe that we’re getting close to that point, you’ll read about it here first. In the meantime, let’s be thankful that our illustrious president was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, because I have heard from a reliable, high-level source that he barely beat out three other equally worthy opponents for this great honor: Bernie Madoff, Charles Manson and Michael Vick.
— Robert Ringer, Oct. 30 WorldNetDaily column