Poor Erik Rush: He thinks he is feared.
So much so, in fact, he feels compelled to explain why he is feared. Indeed, his Dec. 9 WorldNetDaily column is called “Why the left fears me.” He opines:
I can always tell I’ve hit a nerve when something I’ve written causes the left-wing websites to go berserk in their efforts to ridicule me following its publication. When anyone hits a nerve, we typically see more hyperbole, mischaracterization and ridiculous extrapolations than usual from the left. By hitting a nerve, I mean articulating concepts truly threatening to the agenda of the left.
Black conservatives tend to grind on those aforementioned leftist nerves by their very existence; this is why such vigorous efforts are made by the left to marginalize them. Part of this stems from leftists’ thinly veiled racism; they resent black conservatives for not “minding their place” by rejecting liberal doctrine and liberals’ largesse.
Another factor is a fallacy or stereotype the left itself created, and which is a component of negrophilia: The notion that black Americans possess some mysterious, sage wisdom originating in their unique collective experience on this continent.
Following this line of reasoning, it’s all well and good for a right-wing nut job like me and my ilk to howl at the moon about communists and conspiracies, but it’s an entirely different proposition if people start seriously considering what we have to say.
We — and, we presume given that WND remains his highest-profile platform, the vast majority of the planet — haven’t seriously considered anything Rush has had to say for years. What little we’ve written on him of late has mostly been relegated to clipping his rants for Obama Derangement Syndrome posts.
And his self-described “howling at the moon about communists and conspiracies” has pretty much guaranteed that Rush will never be taken seriously. For example:
- Rush’s obsessive hatred of President Obama, starting with likening him to a prison rapist and going from there.
- Rush’s declaration that all Muslims should be killed, which he was forced to walk back as “sarcasm.”
- Rush’s peddling of weird Chinese conspiracies.
- Rush’s insistence that his conspiracies are true, while still never providing actual evidence to back them up.
No, Erik, “the left” doesn’t fear you. Nobody fears a ranting, hateful conspiracist.
In fact, the opposite is true: You fear those who tell the truth about you. Why else would you block us from following your Twitter account?