An anonymous WorldNetDaily writer claims in a Jan. 30 article:
Why should one wait to hear the State of the Union speech from Donald Trump before giving a reaction?
Some anti-Trumpers were not bothering to do so.
Take the PICO Network, which describes itself as “a national network of faith-based community organizations working to create innovative solutions to problems facing urban, suburban and rural communities.” Oh, and “non-partisan,” too.
Hours before the speech took place, PICO had this to say in a news release: “After promoting a tax giveaway to Wall Street and the wealthy, partially repealing the Affordable Care Act, working to detain and deport DREAMers, undoing Obama-era policies that reduce mass incarceration, President Trump today delivered yet another hate-filled, xenophobic and racist speech.”
The release quickly pivoted to add: “While President Trump has yet to deliver his first State of the Union address, if past is prologue, this is the introduction we’ll write after President Trump’s address.”
Mmmmmm. No doubt.
WND’s tsk-tsking over criticizing something before it happens might be a little more credible if it hadn’t done so itself. As we documented, a WND article last September that appeared before Hillary Clinton’s book “What Happened” came out asserted that “Clinton reportedly lists all the outside forces responsible for her stunning defeat,” adding that “someone – anyone – had to be blamed. Anyone but Hillary Clinton, of course.” In fact, Clinton did partially blame herself and listed the mistakes she and her campaign made in the book.
WND has never corrected the article, let alone admit there was anything wrong with it. That sort of callous attitude toward journalism is one big reason WND is currently circling the drain.