A July 17 WorldNetDaily column by Chuck Morse is entertaining in that he pretends that a billboard likening President Obama to Hitler and Lenin is offensive to liberals’ memories of Lenin, and then that the billboard wasn’t really likening Obama to Hitler and Lenin:
Perhaps the aspect of this ad that is even more aggravating to the left than the juxtaposition of President Obama with the other two socialist leaders, Lenin and Hitler, is the fact that Lenin and Hitler are being equated as socialists without any differentiation made between the two. This perhaps raises some old sensitivities with regard to comparing Lenin and his brand of socialism with that of Hitler. The fact that the Russian Bolshevik Lenin had committed unprecedented atrocities in Europe and had set up concentration camps in Russia over a decade before Hitler came to power in Germany is ignored because, after all, Lenin was a “progressive.” The possibility that Hitler and the Nazis might have been influenced and inspired by the example set by the left-wing Russian leaders, Lenin and Stalin, who were machine-gunning their political opponents into open pits and who were deliberately starving millions of innocent Ukrainians and Kulaks to death in politically inspired famines before the Nazis came to power, is ignored.
[…]But back to President Obama and the billboard in question. Obviously there is no suggestion here that our president is comparable to either Hitler or Lenin in terms of his being as radical a socialist as the two aforementioned. There is no suggestion that Obama plans to commit a Holocaust against the Jews or to murder 10 million people, which is what the left-wing Soviets did to those they deemed to be not politically correct. No one is suggesting that Obama has plans to create a superrace or a collective. The difference between “Democratic Socialism” and the other two radical versions of Socialism, “National” and “Marxist”, is understood by all.
This billboard, rather, simply points out that under Barack Obama’s leadership, America is gradually moving in an overall authoritarian socialist direction while recounting the history of socialism as a reminder of the ultimate consequences of its system once implemented.
Chuck Morse thinks you’re stupid.