In April 2016, the Media Research Center rather belatedly congratulated CNN and MSNBC for banning Trump confidante and dirty trickster Roger Stone from their airwaves. MRC chief Brent Bozell called stone “a thug who relishes personal insults, character assassination, and offensive gestapo-like tactics that should be unequivocally dismissed by civil society, most especially those who might give him a platform from which to spew his hatred.”
But as it has with many things Trump, the MRC has flipped on Stone as well.
A May 11 MRC post by Kyle Drennen starts off by declaring any comparison of Trump’s firing of FBI director James Comey to the Watergate scandal to be “irresponsible.” Then he touts how Stone, appearing on NBC’s “Today,” followed the Trump talking points by calling such a comparison “apples and oranges.”
Drennen made no mention of his boss’ harsh description of Stone just a year ago, nor did he condemn NBC for having Stone on.
Amazing what the healing powers of time and millions of dollars in donations from right-wing pro-Trump philanthropists will do to change an organization’s mind.