WorldNetDaily writer Leo Hohmann took a break from lying and fearmongering about Muslims to lie and fearmonger about Democrats in a Sept. 20 article:
The St. Louis Young Democrats are working hand-in-hand with Black Lives Matter to organize protests in the city, now entering their sixth night, and the mayor says she is “listening.”
The Young Democrats tweeted Wednesday at about 12:20 p.m. that the next “protest” in response to the not-guilty verdict in the Jason Stockley trial was planned for Wednesday evening, instructing rioters where to show up and at what time, hashtagging #Black Lives Matter on the tweet.
While the Young Democrats can claim they are calling for peaceful protests, that claim is dubious at best, given their connections with Black Lives Matter, a known radical group that espouses violence and has been seen on video kicking in storefront windows, spraying unknown chemicals and throwing rocks at police.
More than a dozen police officers have been reported injured, and tens of thousands of dollars in damage has been caused to local businesses that had nothing to do with the Stockley verdict.
Now it comes to light that the Young Democrats are organizing the riots, which they call protests.
First: The only “evidence” Hohmann presents of the St. Louis Young Democrats “working hand-in-hand” with Black Lives Matter is the hashtag, which is not evidence of anything.
Second: Hohmann provides no evidence whatsoever that the St. Louis Young Democrats endorse or condone any violence at the protests Hohmann claims it’s “organizing.”
Third: Hohmann provides no evidence that anyone officially affiliated with Black Lives Matter committed any violence or that the organization itself “espouses violence.”
In place of any evidence, Hohmann serves up ranting from self-loathing black man Jesse Lee Peterson, who insists (also without evidence) that Black Lives Matter is “evil.”
Real journalists provide evidence to back up the claims they make. Hohmann can’t be bothered — and WND has no problem with that.