One of the biggest zombie lies WorldNetDaily has refused to kill is the claim that President Obama’s call for a “civilian national security force” meant that he wanted some type of police force or something other that what Obama meant (he meant the use of diplomatic “soft power” in international conflicts to complement military might). We first wrote about this in 2008.
Now WND “practical prepper” columnist Pat McLene takes a crack at reviving the zombie lie in his July 18 column. He repeats Obama’s statement and immediately jumps to claiming that it meant Obama wanted a “federal police force,” then tries to explain how Obama’s words have been fulfilled despite the fact that Obama has never created said federal police force:
As an example, back in 2008, then-candidate Obama argued for a powerful well-funded federal police force. However when any supporter of Constitutional limitations called Obama on his desire, the SJWs attacked en masse, calling the questioner a (pick one) racist/tool of the NRA/ fascist/Nazi/all of the above. Oh, and a liar. Always a liar. “Oh yeah? Where’s his army? Where’s the federal police force? Nowhere … you racist, homophobic, sexist liar!!!”
And of course, by carefully defining and limiting the argument, the SJWs and their handlers were correct. They always are, when they use this tactic. Our government rarely goes for its desires in a single shot. Instead they’ve developed a much more subtle mechanism for achieving their goals.
They don’t make something illegal, they simply make it impossible. They don’t create a new thing, they simply task an old thing to new purposes.So here’s how you give birth to a federal police force without calling it a federal police force:
- Find a situation where a police force has had a serious altercation with a protected minority class. Create that conflict if expedient.
- Mobilize the SJWs to attack those police forces as an “-ist.”
- Drum up protests, get op-eds written, have political fellow-travelers demand a federal investigation.
- Get or require the policing authority in question to admit a mistake or a wrong-doing.
- Begin a long and open-ended Justice Department investigation, usually with specific law enforcement officers under indictment.
- Appoint federal liaisons (read: controllers) to those police departments, and require those law enforcement organizations to receive training based on federal guidelines.
- Make sure all new agency hires fall within acceptable federal requirements for race, ethnicity, sex and sexual orientation.
- Finally, no matter what the result of the investigation shows, maintain all of the above, especially the “liaisons.”
Voilà! Another solid brick in the civilian national security force wall.
McLene’s “SJW” references are about those “social justice warriors” right-wingers like to obsess about, adding: “Barak [sic] Obama isn’t a social justice warrior. No, really, he’s not. He’s a social justice warlord. He uses regular SJWs to push his own agendas.”
Somehow, McLene moves from this to a call to arm yourself to the teeth: “Get thee to the gun show right now. Head for the gun store and buy more ammunition, right now. Form a buyers club and buy in bulk. Right now. … Past behavior is indicative of present intent, especially when a government is after your liberty. Get busy. Get armed for your self-defense. Get prepared.”