Tierin-Rose Mandelburg, the Media Research Center’s resident anti-abortion extremist, spent much of 2023 spreading her extremist narratives, and she unsurprisingly finished out the year the same way. In a Sept. 25 post, Mandelburg hyped the death of a woman while having an abortion (taking care not to mention that the maternal death rate from childbirth is much higher), then disgustingly suggested the woman had it coming because she sought an abortion in the first place:
After word broke about [Alyona] Dixon’s family’s case, numerous Twitter users were furious about the negligence of doctors and warned about the dangers of abortions.
“Abortions kill women and young girls,” one user wrote.
Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life, posted, “This is chemical abortion. A woman was given chemical abortion pills and dies of sepsis.”
Others pointed out that in Dixon’s case, “Two died, not just one.”
Honestly, Planned Parenthood should be sued, too.
Now, could this whole thing have been avoided? Of course! Dixon shouldn’t have ever entered the doors of Planned Parenthood to kill her child. Planned Parenthood should have never told her that these chemical abortion pills were safe. Nothing that results in anyone’s death is “safe.”
This is a prime example of why we need to stop the lies that tell women abortion is risk-free and normal.
Says the woman who wants to tell the lie that childbirth is risk-free and normal.
Mandelburg spent a Sept. 26 post cheering the increasingly far-right Tucker Carlson portraying abortion as “human sacrifice,” claiming that his anti-abortion extremism is “a great reminder to the audience that while abortion is a very real and very important issue to tackle, it’s important to recognize that the root of this evil comes from brokenness and people’s hearts. Until those change, policies to protect life won’t happen or work.” In a Sept. 28 post, Mandelburg raged about the marking of “International Safe Abortion Day,” portraying anyone marking it as a murderer:
Funnily enough, the World Health Organization promoted the day this year. It’s ironic that a legitimate and leading health organization posted in honor of something that is completely antithetical to the word “health.” You can’t be healthy if you’re dead, and successful abortions kill at least one individual every time. How is that “health”?
[…] [Canadian Prime Minister Justin] Trudeau also pledged that he’d work to “create a world where people can make their own choices that shape their future” – a.k.a., kill their kids if they so desire.Seems like a nice dude.
[…]Abortion is not, nor will it ever, be safe. In addition to killing a baby, it puts mothers through emotional trauma and distress and puts their lives in great danger. Just last week, a family sued a Las Vegas hospital after a 24-year-old mother died from abortion complications.
The fact of the matter is that the abortion industry is built on and fueled by lies. This is a ponzi scheme to keep women vulnerable, keep populations down, and keep places like Planned Parenthood funded. “International Safe Abortion Day” is the most outrageous lie I’ve heard all day!
Again, Mandelburg failed to tell readers the fact that childbirth has a higher death rate than abortion.
When New York City started making abortion pills available via telehealth, Mandelburg ranted in an Oct. 3 post that this was all about “killing innocent babies” and grossly overstated the risk of taking them:
This move by NYC is incredibly dangerous. Abortion pills are incredibly harmful and aren’t something to be taken as willy nilly as something like a vitamin C tablet. When successful, these pills kill at least one life every single time and put women’s lives and safety at risk 100 percent of the time.
You may recall that Mandelburg hyped efforts by her fellow right-wing anti-abortion extremists to try and outlaw abortion pills.
Mandelburg used an Oct. 27 post to whine that some want to point out what anti-abortion activists really are:
Axios is at it again with its pro-abortion rhetoric.
According to Axios, the pro-abortion movement is attempting to rebrand abortion-related vocabulary in a way that paints pro-lifers as controlling tyrants, with pro-choicers as superior side. The outlet claims the decades-old terms of “pro-life” and “pro-choice” just aren’t “nuanced enough to describe policy positions after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year.”
Axios insisted that those who support abortion embrace “reproductive freedom” while those who believe in the sanctity of life (us pro-lifers) apparently don’t. What’s ironic is that pro-lifers do support everyone’s freedom to reproduce. If people want to have unprotected sex, then they’re of course welcome to do that. But the issue lies with after they’ve already reproduced. At that point, “reproductive freedom” has already been exercised, and thus, if a child is conceived, that’s the result of reproductive freedom. Killing a child is where pro-lifers have an issue, not about your choice to have sex.
Even still, Axios tries to split hairs in order to nix the old terms and adopt this new, pro-abort framing.
Mandelburg then tried to change the debate to regulating sex itself:
Women and children do need a safety net. Yes. But that safety net starts with conversations about why it’s important to have sex within the bounds of marriage, and what safe sex is. Changing the vocab to be “pro-reproductive freedom” and “anti-reproductive freedom,” or whatever the heck the pro-aborts decide, is just a way of manipulating the public into thinking that abortion is something that women have a right to do.
But Mandelburg also wants to outlaw contraception like the morning-after pill too, meaning that she is, in fact, “anti-reproductive freedom.”
A Dec. 6 post by Mandelburg warned against donating money to Christian charities who aren’t as anti-abortion extremist as she is:
You cannot call yourself a Christian and support abortion.
The American Life League has a Charity Watchlist that catalogs organizations who support the innocent murder of the unborn. Shockingly, that list presently has numerous “religious” related charities that admit to support abortion.
Among the organizations listed who support abortion are: Catholic Relief Services, Salvation Army which aims to “preach the gospel of Jesus Christ” and the YMCA and YMCA which work “to put Christian principles into practice.”
A Dec. 11 post by Mandelburg complained that a college film competition encouraged portraying people seeking or supporting abortion as other than the murderous monsters she would like to see them as:
Barnard College in New York, a private women’s school, just closed submissions for its annual Athena Film Festival for aspiring filmmakers – where winners will be rewarded with mentorship on how to promote abortion, The College Fix reported.
“The Abortion Pipeline Project (APP) is an annual narrative screenplay competition for feature and short film scripts which seeks to seed and source a variety of narrative film projects which center abortion,” the description states, according to The College Fix. Next year’s film festival is set to take place February 29 through March 4.
Contestants were instructed to include “a woman, trans or non-binary character(s) in leadership role(s) or position(s)” and “contain representation of, meaningful mention of, or thematic reference to abortion.” Winners will “receive a direct financial grant to help them advance their script, mentorship from reproductive justice experts, and support from writing advisors – everything the writers need to create authentic abortion stories.”
Mandelburg repeated an old right-wing narrative about government funding in a Dec. 13 post:
While the nation was struggling to go to work and keep businesses open, managing restriction after restriction, the government was secretly dishing out billions to fund more and more abortions.
According to a report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO), abortion providers received nearly $2 billion in federal funds between fiscal year 2019 to fiscal year 2021, right at the height of the Coronavirus pandemic, Newsmax reported Tuesday.
During the time, Planned Parenthood received $1.78 billion, the International Planned Parenthood received $2.03 million, the MSI Reproductive Choices received $1.35 million and “four domestic regional abortion providers received $107.74 million,” Newsmax indicated.
That’s a hell of a lot of money to fund more death when at the time, people were dying all over the world from Covid.
As Mandelburg very well knows, the Hyde Amendment prevents federal funding from paying for abortion, so she’s lying when she claims that this money funded “more and more abortions.” She might try to justify her lie by claiming that money is fungible, but that’s not really true either.