Erik Rush writses in his May 31 WorldNetDaily column:
An aspect of the political left’s modus operandi that has been articulated by conservatives for quite some time is that of their inability to be forthright regarding their true agenda. The reason for this is the fact that such candidness would result in all but their most ideological supporters heading for the proverbial hills; in such a scenario, Democrats would have a very difficult time getting elected anywhere, at least at the national level.
By way of an object lesson, one can handily point to the spate of preposterous allegations leveled against President Donald Trump by liberals on an almost hourly basis since his election last November. From the utterly baseless claim that the Trump camp colluded with the Russian government to fix the election, to the alleged significance of a tweet by the president that contained a typographical error, it is clear that the left is prepared to glom onto absolutely anything that has the potential to diminish Trump in Americans’ eyes.
Preposterous allegations leveled against the president? Rush knows all about that, since he spent the past eight years making preposterous allegations against President Obama. We remember when Rush likened Obama to a “cellblock rapist,” insisted that Malcolm X is Obama’s real father and claimed that Obama himself orchestrated the attack on Benghazi.
So, yeah, Rush is projecting bigly here. But he’s not done:
Like the Nazis, Soviets and other oppressive regimes, the political left (liberals, progressives, socialists) knew they had to rely on abject falsehoods and other dirty tricks their political opponents were too principled to employ in order to advance their malignant designs.
[…]So, how can those on the left reconcile using such patently immoral tactics “in good conscience”? It is because they possess a deep-seated belief that their political opponents (conservatives, libertarians, constitutionalists) are so fundamentally evil that any and all measures must be employed to neutralize them.
In other words, the ends justify the means.
We also remember that Rush advocated the armed overthrow of Obama, so he speaks from experience on that count as well. He’s also been a Putin propagandist, so his complaint about the tactics of “oppressive regimes” is highly ironic.
In short, Rush is complaining that others are doing to Trump what he did to Obama — the latest WND writer to do so. How ironic is that?