Remember when WorldNetDaily editor Joseph Farah railed against the cozy, symbiotic and unhealthy relationship developing between the corporate press and state power” and that he “vowed WND would never fall prey or be seduced by that temptation”? Yeah, not so much.
Farah himself provides the latest example of WND’s fealty to the Trump administration in a May 21 Q-and-A column headlined “A guide to understanding the Trump-Saudi deal” but may as well be called “A guide to understanding how totally awesome Trump is.” Farah gushes:
In addition, the Arab and Muslim world respects strength, which they see in President Trump. There’s one more thing: In the past, the Saudis have sought to buy favor with U.S. presidents with millions of dollars in endowments after they left office. These include Jimmy Carter, George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. They are wise enough to know Trump, a billionaire, cannot be bought off this way.
[…]All the earmarkings of these meetings and speeches suggest he hit the right tone. It’s imperative to show strength in dealings with the kingdom. It’s imperative not to show subservience. It’s imperative to develop the proper quid pro quos based on national interests, not personal interests. Trump has seemingly done this more artfully than most of his predecessors. He really does understand negotiations, having authored “The Art of the Deal.” Another good sign was the king’s treatment of the women in the U.S. entourage – with Melania and Ivanka Trump and other women being treated with respect and dignity. This is something “feminists” should note, but probably won’t because most are leftist ideologues who have a conflict in their gut between “multiculturalism” and the inherent rights of women.
Farah concluded with one final bit of fawning:
Question: How would you sum up the success of Trump’s first major foreign trip?
Answer: Masterful. He pulled no punches, but showed the necessary diplomacy and respect.
Written like a man who has been seduced by state power.
That was joined by an anonymously written writeup of Trump’s speech in Saudi Arabia cheering the “optimistic and hopeful” tone of the speech, which was “delivered to a rousing ovation.”
Farah, of course, would never admit any of this is cozy, symbiotic and unhealthy. His guy’s in office, and he’ll do everything he can to advance Trump’s agenda.