We’ve detailed how WorldNetDaily and editor Joseph Farah is trying to glom onto Breitbart in its ascendancy as a state-run media outlet due to Steve Bannon being a top aide to President Trump, in what seems to be an attempt to bask a little in Breitbart’s reflected glory. It hasn’t really stopped.
WND suddenly remembered that its online store offered a pro-Reagan documentary Bannon made, so it started plugging that while playing up how it was “directed by top Trump adviser Steve Bannon.” Farah wrote a companion promotional column that did some serious sucking up:
I’m here to say some nice words about Steven Bannon – to offset some of the hysteria raging across America and fueled by the Big Media.
If you want to know Steve Bannon’s heart, watch some of those “weaponized” documentaries. I will recommend one in particular. It goes back a few years. When I saw it in 2004, it was the first time I heard Steve Bannon’s name. Instantly, I knew we were kindred spirits. And, you know what, it stands up as well today as the day it was released.The movie is called “In the Face of Evil: Reagan’s War in Word and Deed.” It’s the best documentary on Reagan I’ve ever seen. In fact, it’s one of the best documentaries I’ve ever seen on any topic. And I know something about making documentaries, having produced a few.
[…]The obvious question the viewer was left with was: What would Reagan do about the new face of evil? Bannon saw what was around the corner, when few others did. His movie was prophetic. That’s what makes it a must-see – especially for a generation that may have missed it 13 years ago.
I bet you’ll stand up and applaud when you see the end. I bet you’ll ask yourself, “How did he see that coming?”
That’s why I am so grateful that Donald Trump saw fit to select Steve Bannon as his special adviser and strategist – even allowing him to sit in on National Security Council meetings.
Then, on April 16, Farah penned a column detailing 10 reasons “why Trump’s worst enemies are now targeting Bannon” that’s also “a list of reasons why Trump to stick with him and listen closely and carefully to his wise counsel”:
1) Because Bannon is as committed to accomplishing the Trump agenda laid out during the 2016 campaign every bit as much as Trump himself. (Can anyone honestly say that about everyone advising the president today?)
2) Because Bannon, as the chief executive officer of the Trump campaign, helped accomplish something that few in the media thought possible – beat Hillary Clinton. (No, he didn’t win the election single-handedly, and I’ve never heard him suggest that. Donald Trump’s name was on the ballot, and he won the election. But Bannon’s campaign won, and John Podesta’s didn’t.)
3) Because Bannon is a proven political strategist, and that’s what it takes to change the political culture in Washington and get things done. (The job of political strategy doesn’t end when governance begins.)
4) Because if Bannon falls, the sharks will just circle some other effective, committed Trump aides in hopes of taking them down one at a time.
5) Because Bannon doesn’t care about being loved by his ardent adversaries, only about defeating them.
6) Because Bannon, perhaps second only to Trump himself, has a genuine connection with the president’s base of support who elected him.
7) Because it’s good for Trump to have someone around who the media hate more than him.
8) Because Trump should have some close advisers who are not family members.
9) Because Bannon is not a “yes man” and will never just tell Trump what he wants to hear.
10) Because Bannon is as disdainful of the Big Media as I am, having declared war on them as chief executive officer of Breitbart.com, long before Trump did in the 2016 campaign, but, I might add, not before me.
Farah sycophantically concluded: “If I were Donald Trump, I would never give my enemies the satisfaction of allowing the one guy whom they hate so much to get away.”
Is Farah trying to give Bannon and Breitbart a reason to buy out WND so Farah can finally cash in? That’s one possible explanation for Farah’s suck-up campaign, though we can see no advantage Breitbart would gain by doing so.