Why aren’t the radical, liberal women’s groups that are in a constant state of angst claiming they’re being abused my men, apoplectic that a spineless Obama uses a woman to suffer public indignities for what he wanted done. And make no mistake; there is no way [Susan] Rice’s actions were taking place without White House approval.
Why aren’t these women’s groups caterwauling about the public abuse and mental anguish Rice is made to suffer by a man in the ultimate position of power who instead hides behind her dress?It is the same thing with Hillary Clinton. Bill Clinton has publicly humiliated Hillary to the point of making her a joke and a laughingstock. Why do the media that are quick to label all discussion of the criminality of Rice as racist and sexist not condemn the emotional abuse of Rice by Obama?
Why didn’t Obama send a man out to publicly lie about Benghazi since he didn’t have the guts to do it himself? Why did he send a “po little African-American” woman to suffer shame, public humiliation and face prosecution?
Liberals like Obama talk big, but at the end of the day they are craven sissy-boys who hide behind the skirts of women – while so-called women’s rights groups remain silent, blaming instead those who expose law breaking and claiming they do so only because they’re sexist and/or racist.
— Mychal Massie, April 10 WorldNetDaily column