WorldNetDaily loves to rant about the various forms of jihad by Muslims against the U.S. — for instance, WND reporter Leo Hohmann has invented the term “resettlement jihad” to attack Muslim refugees — which means that WND is projecting. It clearly admires the destruction of enemies that it imagines “jihad” to be, because it’s now wishing bad things to happen to anyone who dares to criticize Donald Trump.
In his Feb. 8 column, WND editor Joseph Farah wants to destroy the career of any federal employee who criticizes Trump, thus placing loyalty to a politician over the good of the country:
I’m so glad that Rex Tillerson is on the job as the new secretary of state because there are 900 officials in his department who are asking to be fired.
Those would be the 900 who signed an internal dissent memo protesting President Trump’s travel moratorium on seven countries characterized by two things – terrorism and lawlessness.
White House spokesman Sean Spicer saw it just like I did, saying, they need to “get with the program or they can go.”
But maybe they need a little push.Let the enemies within identify themselves so they can be removed from power and influence.
And let’s get the new team in place so we can give Trump’s ideas a chance to be tested.
Go nuclear on confirmations.
Make every appointment count.
Hire only the most loyal foot soldiers[.]
And don’t worry about breaking a few eggs along the way.
A good place to start the housecleaning is with the State Department’s 900 self-identified dissenters.
The same day, WND columnist Erik Rush devoted his column to ranting againsdt his definition of “progressives,” finally huffing that “progressives must be ruthlessly crushed, regardless of party affiliation.”
The next day, Farah advanced another idea for trying to ruin a Trump critic’s life. Citing Trump’s “willingness to take the fight to the opposition,” he argued that Trump should revoke George Soros’ U.S. citizenship, claiming without evidence that Soros’ dual citizenship is “fraudulent” and adding: “If the new credo is going to be America First, we should really consider kicking this guy right out of the country. It should be as high a priority as keeping terrorists out.”
In a Feb. 10 “news” article, Bob Unruh approvingly quoted right-wing radio host Rush Limbaugh saying of the 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals judges who rejected the Trump administration’s immigration ban: “You know, I long for the days of Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln; just arrest the judges and put them in jail when they violate your constitutional authority.”
Gina Loudon, in her Feb. 12 WND column, made the case that, as the headline screamed, “NORDSTROM MUST PAY” for making the business decision to drop Ivanka Trump’s clothing line:
The large majority of productive, hard-working Americans are conservative. These are the people who have money to spend at places like Nordstrom. Money is power, and conservatives must wield that power wisely.
Make these companies earn your money by either staying out of politics, or, even better, making pro-American business decisions.Every patriotic American should use their pocketbooks to counter the attacks of the left. Send a message to the left that their attempts to hurt candidates and their families will not work and will be punished.
Loudon seemed to endorse the idea of noblesse oblige regarding the Trumps, continuing her embarrassing Trump-fluffing:
Kings have always set the fashion.
In America, our presidents provide the closest approximation to the royal standard. Their wives have often created a fashion craze without even trying. Consider the Jackie Kennedy simple silver clutch, the Nancy Reagan pill box hat or Barbara Bush pearls. Now consider that the current president has a fashion model wife and a clothing designer daughter. Imagine how fashion will improve during this administration! In the Trumps, not only, do we have a new “royal” family, we have a first family who literally brought their own fashion line.
Come to think of it, using the power of the state to destroy one’s political opponents (Loudon technically isn’t endorsing that, but she’s no doubt happy Trump is using his presidential bully pulpit to attack Nordstrom) is much worse than jihad — and far worse than a Muslim refugee moving to the U.S.